Monday, December 29, 2008
Picture of the Week
Anderson's First Christmas
We arrived in California on Saturday Dec 20th. The plane trip wasn't too bad. We decided not to give AJ any drugs for the trip. I never liked drugging him, and since I had Jason there to help, I figured we could get through 2 hours. AJ was really good- for a 6 month old- and just needed to be played with and talked to. It was exhausting, but we expected that.
Saturday when we arrived, we went to my moms house and unpacked and just hung out. We had a lot of preparing to do as we had about 5 Christmas's to celebrate!
Sunday my Dad & Cory came to town to spend some time with us and we went to Matt & Kristin's for dinner and presents. It was such a nice time. It was so relaxing and low key. Everyone enjoyed spending time with Anderson and he entertained us all by rolling around and playing.
Pop & AJ
Monday we had my Dad's family over for a Christmas celebration. It has been many years since we've all been able to get together for Christmas and it was so nice to see everyone. Many people hadn't met Anderson before so that was fun. We had a pinata for the kids and a gift exchange as well as great conversation. I haven't seen my Aunt Sharon in over 5 years so it was great to see her and talk with her. She and AJ had fun together :)
With Anderson's Great Aunt Sharon
On Tuesday we said goodbye to Grammy & Pop which is always hard to do. It's especially hard when we don't have plans to get together again anytime soon. I hope to make a trip out there again soon or would love to have them visit too. It's tough living in another state, especially with a baby.
Grammy Cory & Pop
That day we drove about 3 hours north to Bakersfield to visit Jason's dad & family. Jason has a nephew, Kaden who is 5 and a new niece Kylie who's just a few months older than Anderson. AJ did great on the car ride up there, but I think he was having tummy problems as he was in pain much of the day. I felt so bad for him and I felt bad for Jason's family as they don't get to see him much and he was so cranky.
We ended up having a nice visit and AJ did play with Kylie. She's just about to crawl so it was adorable to watch her scoot around; pretty soon it'll be AJ's turn!
With Cousin Kylie
Papa Tom
Jason, Uncle Tommy, Cousin Kaden
Wednesday was a really great day. I was able to leave Anderson with Jason for a few hours so my mom and I could do some shopping. I know I shop a lot, but it's rare that I can do it without Anderson. It was fun to just cruise around the mall. I got some new make up (which I'm realizing I really need now that I have a baby) and a few sweaters. Then that night Matt & Kristin hosted a WONDERFUL Christmas eve dinner at their house. We had some amazing food there and had a great time visiting with Kristin's family. They are just such fun and friendly people and it's always nice to be with them. The surprise of the night was when Matt opened his Christmas gift- a new big screen TV! (Jason was so jealous!)
The Family
Christmas day! More presents, more food! Matt & Kristin came over around 10:30 for brunch. My mom always goes ALL OUT on Christmas. We had omelets and waffles, fruit, sausage and mimosas. What a way to start out the day! Then came time to open all our gifts. We opened presents for what seemed like 2 hours and it was a lot of fun! Anderson didn't know what was going, but he had a great time trying to eat the ribbon (and anything else that was near him). Of course he got so many gifts; toys, clothes and so much more! People were incredibly generous.
Present Time!
In Front of the Tree
Getting a little tired of this Grandma
And he's done...
On Friday we celebrated Christmas with Jason's sisters and Paul (AKA Grandpa Lew) We went to Michele's house and had a great time. Again, we ate, hung out and opened presents. We also played some fun games!
Grandpa Lew
Mandy, Michele, Jason, AJ and Grandpa Lew
Saturday we had to leave. It was such a great week that it was hard to leave, but at the same time I think we all were ready to be back home. I'm sure my mom was ready to have us out of her house because every time she turned around there were baby toys or messes everywhere! I guess that's part of being a grandma tho!
It was so wonderful to see everyone and we appreciate all the time we got to spend, the gifts and the wonderful food people prepared for us. We sure had a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
The Past 6 Months
And we walked out the luckiest people alive; parents to this sweet and precious boy.
We couldn't ever imagine loving someone as much as we do...
As young as he is, he teaches us new things on a daily basis.
His smile warms our hearts and makes us incredibly happy even on our not so great days..
I cannot imagine life without this little guy.
We love to watch him grow and see him learn new things.
It's hard to imagine that he's already 6 months old, but I'm really excited about what the future holds for us!
At 6 Months old, Anderson is 20.5 lbs and 25 3/4 inches. He's super healthy, enjoys eating his veggies and meats and is starting to enjoy finger foods. He's tolerating his car seat and stroller MUCH more lately and is THIS close to crawling! He has quite the personality and I'm sure will give us a run for our money pretty soon. He certainly is one loved little man!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Stand by..
Also, today is Anderson's half birthday! He's 6 months!!! WOOOHOO! Time is flyin by!
Hope everyone had a VERY Merry Christmas; we sure did!
Friday, December 19, 2008
He Spits!
Sorry it's so dark- I think you can see it tho.
On The Road Again...
Tomorrow we're heading out to Orange County, California for a week. Unlike the other few trips we've made, Jason will be joining us and I'm THRILLED! Not only do I want him with us for Christmas and to be with family, but it will take a lot of stress and pressure off of me. It is so nice to know that I'll have a lot of help.
Of course we have a lot of plans while we're away. We will celebrate Christmas 4 or 5 times with different people. We plan to see my Mom & Dave, Dad & Cory, Matt & Kristin, most of Jason's family. We'll also see lots of friends.
I'm off to pack- it's never ending! :)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Holiday Party
Jason cooked a WONDERFUL prime rib and then everyone brought a side. We had a few great appetizers, salad, potatoes and 2 great desserts!
This was Anderson's first time being a part of this tradition and it was just so fun watching him interact with and be entertained by all the kids. Most of the kids are much older than him so he is entertained just by watching them run around the house or when they talk to him.
The Whole Gang
AJ's Christmas Gift
A Tooth!
The other day he put my finger in his mouth like he always does and chomped down and I felt something sharp. I kept feeling around to be sure I wasn't just imagining it and sure enough there it was.
I think I'm excited about this, but at the same time I wonder about him biting me (OUCH!) and then there's the reality that this just is another sign that he's growing up!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Peas Vs. Apples
* Oh, and to answer the question, "Why doesn't he wear a bib?"... Well, it actually makes things a LOT messier (if you can believe that!) because he just eats a bit of food and then shoves the bib in his mouth! He's SUCH a boy!! *
What a week!
Monday night I was going to out to dinner with some girlfriends, but we got a BIG snow storm (6 inches +) so we had to cancel. Then Tuesday afternoon I was going to meet another friend for lunch and Christmas shopping and that was cancelled due to snow as well.
Wednesday was a first for us. I got either a migraine or the flu and was completely unable to be a mother/wife/friend or anything. I haven't been this sick since before I got pregnant so this was all new to me. I slept the entire day except when Anderson needed to be fed. I am so thankful that Jason works from home and didn't have a busy day that day because he had to work his job and be Mr. Mom all day. He did such a great job- I was beyond thankful for him!
Thankfully Thursday I felt a lot better and we were able to leave the house and get some things done.
This weekend we've got a few Christmas parties to go to and I'm excited about that! Then next week will be very busy doing many of the things that were cancelled this week and then it's time to pack our bags for California!
I can't believe how fast time has gone by and that it's almost Christmas already!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Snowman Hat
Such a CUTIE! Thank you Grammy Cory for ALWAYS thinking about me!!!
He can SIT UP!!
He looks as shocked as I was :)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Likes & Dislikes Again
At 5 months, these are Anderson's likes:
* He LOVES sweet potatoes! He eats them for lunch and dinner. Sometimes I try to trick him with something new and he'll take a few bites, but then he cries for "sweet taters".
* Anderson is a mover and a shaker! He is constantly kicking, punching, rolling over, pulling my hair, scratching my face and trying to crawl! We're really in for it when he can actually figure out how to move!
* He also loves his exersaucer and his Jumperoo. Our neighbor let us borrow the Jumperoo that we can attach to the doorway (which is sooo helpful when I shower and get ready for the day) and he loves it!
* I'm happy to say that AJ is starting to enjoy his stroller. I never thought I'd say that, but lately he's been really good in it. I think it helps that he's gotten older so he can really pay attention to people and movement and he enjoys his toys while in there. It's SOOO nice!
* Bath time- he loves it! I got him some toys and he's enjoying splashing around and playing in the tub.
Now, for his dislikes:
* He's doing better in his car seat, but I'm hesitant to say he "likes" it. He does like the new one better than the infant car seat thankfully.
* Apples, pears and bananas... Ya, that's right! He doesn't like them! I know it's crazy, because what kid doesn't like these sweet fruits?? I have to hide them in his rice cereal! We'll keep trying tho :) It's not the end of the world, that's for sure!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
A update on things
* AJ has been doing MUCH better in his stroller and car seat over the past few weeks. I don't dread going anywhere with him anymore, thankfully! He seems more comfortable in his car seat and can look out the window and see what is going on. I think it's also helps that he's older and can really play with his toys; it keeps his mind off other things I guess. Also, I'm able to stroll him around places which makes life SO much easier! We've gotten him up to about an hour or maybe 90 mins in the stroller before he's done. This is a HUGE stride for us!
* Bath time has become a favorite time for Anderson. He can now sit up pretty well in this little bath seat which allows him to splash away and play with the water or bath toys. So far, his favorite toy is the blue cup that I rinse him with :) He enjoys the bath so much, that many days I give him 2. About about 4pm I seem to run out of things to do with him, so I let him play away for a while in the water.
Bath Time!
* Anderson is JUST about ready to sit up on his own and it seems like he's just a few short weeks away from crawling! I could be wrong (I hope I'm wrong!) but he's already moving around by scooting! Ahh, life will certainly change once he's mobile! Time for baby gates and bonked heads!
* Our social calendar has filled up very quickly with MOPS and MOMS Club. It seems that we've got something going on every day this month. So far we took a tour of the Castle Rock Fire Station which was fun, we went to Monkey Bizness, lunch with friends and play dates. I've had a lot of fun meeting new moms and I think Anderson is enjoying seeing other kids. There is a little boy in MOMS Club, Garrett, who is 6 months old and I can see the two of them becoming buddies.
Lil Fireman!
* AJ's new best friend is our dog, Buster. They absolutely LOVE each other and are so incredibly cute together. They will lay on the ground together and AJ will put his hands all over Buster- pulling his fur, poking his eyes, putting his hands in Busters mouth (I try to limit this!) and Buster just enjoys the attention. He's such a wonderful and gentle dog. I trust him, but I'm also careful and pay close attention.
* We've tried to get Anderson to eat some new foods, but still sweet potatoes are his favorite. I tried apples, pears and bananas and he just looks at me with this funny face and sometimes spits out the food. I can't help but totally crack up when he does this. We'll keep trying and in a month or so we'll try some new veggies.
* Lastly, I'm proud to say that I've reached my goal weight! I'm no longer doing Weight Watchers- I guess I kinda gave up on that, but I've been lucky enough to continue losing the weight due to nursing. I only HOPE that it stays off once I stop nursing, but that's not going to be for a while, so for now I'll just go with it!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Visiting Santa
5 Months!
I've said it before, I'll say it again- AJ is growing up SO FAST! On Thanksgiving day, he turned 5 months old. He is growing like a weed- easily fitting into 6 month clothes and is doing new things daily. He's rolling over ALL the time which makes it interesting trying to change his diaper. He's also trying to sit up, but can't quite yet. I'd give it a few more weeks and he'll be there. He also talks and jabbers a lot.
Thankfully, Anderson has started to deal a little better with his car seat and stroller. It's still not perfect, but it's better. It used to be that guaranteed he would cry in them, but now I feel like we've got a 60% chance of him being ok.
We continue to try new foods; bananas, avocado, and sweet potato so far. His favor is sweet potato. I think we may try pears next week.
He is also doing really able to focus on things, entertain himself better and better and play with many toys that before he could just look at. He's got a serious grip on things at times- especially my hair!
This month I think we're going to be very busy getting ready for the holidays- shopping, entertaining and meeting new people in my MOMS Club. I was asked to be the Vice President of the club so that means I will be meeting even more people. I'm really excited about it!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Of course I'm very thankful for my family. I'm so lucky that everyone is happy and healthy and we are fortunate enough to spend the holiday with my Mom who flew out. I'm certainly thinking about the rest of my family who I am not able to see today, but looking forward to seeing them next month for Christmas.
I'm also very thankful for all of my wonderful friends in Colorado and also in California. I have the best friends in the world who are there in great times and in the not so great times too.
Lastly, I'm so grateful that Jason and I have the life that we have. We live in a great community, in a wonderful house surrounded by fantastic neighbors. I'm able to stay home with Anderson to raise him which has always been my dream. We are so lucky that even with the way our economy is today, that Jason's job allows us to live on one income.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Did someone say TURKEY?? :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
We started our venture at Little Monkey Bizness which is a place similar to Gymboree where AJ can play and run around with other kids. Well, for now since he's so young mainly he got to lay on soft colorful things and watch TONS of other kids play. It will be even better for him when he can crawl or walk as it's geared towards kids under 5. Even at his age, he LOVED IT! He was completely enthralled by all the kids, noises, colors and sounds that were going on around him. I was also very happy because the place was PACKED with stay at home moms and I met some great people. MOMS Club has many different meetings each month; ice cream socials, cookie decorating days, play dates and so much more. I really hope to meet some new friends for both AJ and me and hope to also find some great new things in our community to do.
Here are a few pictures from today:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Big Day for AJ!
Sadly, he didn't love it like I'd hoped. He didn't totally hate it either, but it was pretty much the same reaction as his other one. sigh...
Then, I decided that I needed to get him a high chair. We've been feeding him on the island in our kitchen in his Bumbo which was fine, but he's growing out of it. Also, I want him to get used to being in a high chair. So, we ventured to the consignment store near our house and found a GREAT deal! I've never been a big consignment store shopper, but I've been into this store a few times and really like the owner and the things she has. She only takes the best things. I've also realized how expensive it is to buy new and figured why not buy "pre-owned". (Aren't you proud mom??)
So, I got there and they had one high chair. It was a Peg Perego high chair which is the TOP of the line (they also have strollers and other things) Well, new this high chair would be $225. I would NEVER NEVER pay that for a high chair. Used, it was being sold for $90. Even that was too high. I'd planned to pay in the neighborhood of $60-80 or so. Well, I told the owner thanks, but no thanks. I'd come back in a week or so and see if she had anything else. She was so nice! She told me that since it had been there for a few months that she'd lower the price to $60 and then went ahead and explained just how great it was. Maybe I'm a sucker, maybe she's a great sales person, whatever...I think paying $60 for a $225 high chair is a deal! And best of all, Anderson loves it!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
More Progress!
Wish us luck on the new car seat! I'm installing it tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thank you Holly for reminding me to try it again! I think he finally likes it because he's older...who knows really? Who cares! haha!
The true test will be later tonight when I'm asleep and Jason gives it to him. Wish us luck!!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Bye Bye Baby Bjorn
After our walk ...
Part of me is looking forward to him being able to sit up on his own so that when we go grocery shopping or to Target I can put him in the cart. The other part of me doesn't want him to grow up that fast! For now, I will either carry him or have him in his stroller.
On another note, we've started feeding him sweet potatoes. He likes them MUCH better than avocado- I can't blame him!
Sweet Potato Face!!
Also, he's really learning how to entertain himself more lately. Obviously I have my eyes on him at all times, but he's able to hang out on his Little Einstein mat and roll around and play while I clean the house or cook dinner. It's so nice to get a LITTLE time to do these things while he's awake and not have to cram it all into nap time. Don't get me started on nap time.. hahah!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
A Big Boy Car Seat!
So, here it is... It should be here on Wednesday! has great prices! Better than Babies R Us
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Avocado for Din Din
Check out the video to see if he liked it or not :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
AJ's first Ouchie!
Our Trip
We arrived on Friday and got to celebrate Uncle Matt's birthday. We had a nice dinner at my moms with Matt, Kristin, Dave & my mom.
Helping blow out Uncle Matt's Bday candles
On Saturday, I met up with Shelly and got to have breakfast with her and her little cutie Jacob. It was so fun to catch up and see her little prego belly! Can't wait to meet her new little boy in March!
Later that day we went to lunch (yes, I ate the ENTIRE weekend!) with Jason's sisters, brother in law and niece and nephew. At this time AJ was pretty tired, but Mandy took over and had him giggling like crazy! It was a new laugh I'd never heard before and it was just adorable! Mandy and Michele are great with AJ because they steal him from me the second I walk in and I'm able to take a breath and have a few kid- free moments.
Sunday my Dad & Cory came down to hang out with us. We met up and went to lunch and then walked around downtown Huntington Beach. Then we went to Matt & Kristin's for dinner which was soooo nice! I can't remember the last time we all just sat around and ate dinner and talked together. Because we don't all live near each other, those times aren't as frequent as they used to be so being able to do that now is wonderful.
AJ breaking poor Pops back in the Bjorn...
Monday we visited a few more friends, did some shopping (of course) and then went to lunch with Jason's dad and sisters again. Paul is always so wonderful with Anderson and just loves him to pieces. I'm so glad that AJ got to see him again this trip.
On Tuesday we got to see some of my moms neighbors and then we met up with Matt for lunch before heading to the airport. We had to say goodbye which is always hard, but it's always a little easier knowing that we'll be back soon. We will all 3 be going back for Christmas :)
One last note, Anderson was FANTASTIC on the plane both times. He was awake for much of the flight on the way to Orange County as I had under medicated him. I wasn't totally sure how much Benadryl to give him so I didn't give him much. Thankfully, we were in the back of the plane and so I was able to stand up much of the flight. He was a hit with the flight attendants :) Then, I gave him a little more Benadryl on the way home and he slept the entire way! YA!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Going Back to Cali...
We're looking forward to seeing Grandma (my mom), Pop & Grammy (Dad & Cory), Uncle Matt & Aunt Kristin as well as Jason's sisters and Dad. I'm also going to meet up with some friends for coffee just to say hi and catch up. This trip will be a short on- I'm back on Tuesday, but then the three of us will go back for Christmas for a week.
Wish us luck on the plane! Last time was easy...but he's older now :)