

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Tooth!

It's official- Anderson has a tooth! Well, at this point, it's just a little sharp pointy thing coming through his gums, but it is there! I can feel it, but can't really see it. It is on the bottom center.

The other day he put my finger in his mouth like he always does and chomped down and I felt something sharp. I kept feeling around to be sure I wasn't just imagining it and sure enough there it was.

I think I'm excited about this, but at the same time I wonder about him biting me (OUCH!) and then there's the reality that this just is another sign that he's growing up!


Jenni said...

Wow!! So he's getting his first tooth! I feel the same as you...worried about getting bitten! HOw is he holding up? I've heard teething can make them pretty cranky, feverish and a heck of a lot more!

Anonymous said...

A tooth! Awesome! Biting hurts! Teething does hurt...a lot! Jenni is right, it does make them cranky and yeah. Hopefully AJ is doing okay with it!

Summer said...

A tooth? Huge milestone!