Pop and Grammy have a strawberry farm next door so each morning they went to pick some. Pop taught AJ how to pick a good one, eat it, and then toss the stem behind him when he was done. A few times he missed and it landed on his back or his head. Such a fun time!
Making breakfast together
Working in the garden with Grammy
Standing on this "super huge" crane at the beach
Bee Pancakes!
Mickey! (After I ate one of his ears...oops!)
Fascinated by the fork lift, of course
At the farm
Avila Pier
All of us!
Enjoying his first In N Out experience. Complete with a strawberry shake!
Hi! It’s me. AJ. My mom thought it would be fun for me to write on the blog and tell you all about our fun trip to California.
My mom had been telling me for a week or 2 that we were going to go to California to see Pop and Grammy. I didn’t exactly know what that meant, but I have been hearing a lot about California lately since Grandma goes there a few times a month for work. My mom told me we’d go to the airport, get on a plane, maybe meet the pilot in the cockpit and then the plane would take off (wooooshhh!) and then a while later it would land (SHOoooom!). All of this sounded pretty fun.
The night before our trip, my mom was packing our suitcase and she packed my pirate packpack full of fun toys for the trip. I brought my pirate cards, Rio the blue skating parrot, crayons, watercolors, books and other fun stuff mom thought I’d like.
The morning of our trip, mom put this SUPER big suitcase in Grandmas car and we drove to the airport. We said goodbye to Grandma and were on our way. Mom kept talking about how super excited she was to take this trip with me. I think she really likes when we do these things together.
When it was our time to get on the plane, my mom put my packpack on my back. When we walked into the plane everyone was staring at me and smiling. I don’t know why. My mom said it’s because I’m so darn cute :)A nice lady in a uniform came over and asked if I’d like to meet the pilot in the cockpit. I was super excited! I walked up and said HI to them and they showed me around. There are SO many buttons in there! I think maybe when I get bigger, I’ll be a pilot. Or maybe a fireman. Or a trash truck driver. Who knows?
A few minutes later it was time to take off. Mom and I sat in our seats and buckled our seat belts. Mom kept saying “Safety first!”.
I was a really good boy on the flight. I played with all of my toys and made friends with the older man next to us. He was so happy to be able to play with me for almost 3 hours. He loved playing pirate cards with me and I reminded him many times to use his manners. Then the nice lady came over again and told my mom that I was the best little kid she’d ever had on a flight and she brought me some juice. Another nice man on the plane bought me peanut M&M’s! My mom couldn’t believe it! I’m sure mom was wondering why this nice man thought a 2 year old needed a movie theatre size bag of candy, but I sure thought it was cool!
When we got to California, we got off the plane and there were Pop and Grammy! They were super excited to see me. They gave me lots of kisses and hugs and told me how much they had missed me. I missed them too and was so happy to be there!
We did lots of fun things on our trip. It was nice though because we weren’t super rushed at all. We went to a farm, fed the goats, cows, sheep and other animals. We got ice cream. We played in the yard and dug holes in the dirt. We went to see the Elephant Seals at the beach one day too. That was fun. For some reason, some of the seals were laying in a pee pool which was super stinky. One of my favorite parts of the trip was driving in Pops truck down this REALLY SUPER BIG hill. Each time we did, Pop told me to raise my hands WAY high in the air and yell WEEEEEEEEEEE!!! We laughed and had a lot of fun.
Feeding the goats with Grammy!
One day, Uncle Matt and Aunt Kristin came up from their house to hang out with us. It was so fun to see them! Uncle Matt and I played hide and seek for a while- he was sure good at finding me! My mom said next time that I should try to hide behind something next time, rather than just standing in the middle of the room. But we had fun. Later that night, Pop and Grammy made this wonderful dinner and we all sat at the table and talked and ate. Sure was nice to be with my family!
One morning, Grammy made us pancakes. She is so creative! She made me a Mickey Mouse pancake and a bee pancake too! She made me a bee pancake because I decided that I am afraid of bugs now. Pop, Grammy and mom keep telling me that I shouldn’t be afraid of them because I’m bigger than they are, but I can’t help it! I found a bee on my shirt one afternoon and since then I’ve been scared.
Grammy was also nice enough to make some things for my bear and my puppy. She made puppy a cape! Now, we call him SUPER PUPPY! She made bear a new ear. My dog, Bruce, ate bears ear a few weeks ago when I was at dad’s house and now he can’t hear too good. Now, he has a new one and is all better!
The only problem that we had on this trip is that I was sick. I woke up on Friday morning with a hot head. My mom called it a fever, I think. Pop went to the store and got me some medicine and that helped, but I was much more cranky than usual. Mom kept telling me to be nice, but it was hard to be too nice when I didn’t feel so good. She said I didn’t sleep that good on the trip, but I thought I did. I loved sleeping with her each night. She loves it when I sleep sideways in the bed or when I lay on her back all night. It’s so cozy for us!
On Monday, mom decided I had been sick long enough and decided to take me to see a doctor. I haven’t been to the doctor in a long time so I was a little scared, but it wasn’t bad at all. The doctor looked in my ears for balloons- he didn’t see any. He also put this cold thing on my chest for some reason. Then he looked down my mouth which I didn’t really like, but I was a brave boy. He gave me some stronger medicine and I felt better pretty quickly.
The last day of our trip, Pop and Grammy found this really neat park. It was right on the beach and had a pirate ship that I could play on. I loved it! There was a lot of sand, and this great thing to climb on too. There was a swing there and Pop pushed me on it for a really long time. We were laughing so hard and having so much fun!
Swinging with Pop!
Mom and I had a really wonderful trip to California. Mom said she was so proud of me because I was such a great traveler. Even though I wasn’t as happy as I normally am, I still had a lot of fun.