

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

4 Year Pictures..finally!

We finally had AJ's 4 year pictures taken a few weeks ago... Yes, he was 4 in June. It's now August. With our lovely Colorado weather, we had to reschedule 3 times and trying to get all of us together plus the photographer (who has a family and a hectic schedule herself!) was tough. But, we finally did it. I was really happy that Jason joined us this year. We had planned to do mostly just AJ pictures, and then some with he and Jason and some with he and I. While we were there, I asked Kimberly, our photographer, to take a few of us all together. I thought it would be a great thing for AJ. And really, let's face it, we're still a family. Just not a traditional one! I'm SO happy with the way these turned out. I LOVE my happy boy SO much!