

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

AJ's 2nd Year

I have said this for two years now, and it seems I'll say it forever... I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast! He's going to be 2 on Sunday! Where in the heck did the time go??! There are days when I feel like I just brought him home. I remember being so terrified, but so excited the first day we came home. He was so tiny and needed me so. It was the most amazing experience of my life. Just thinking about it makes me emotional because I never thought I could possibly be so in love. He is, by far, the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Here were are two years later and my baby is a boy! He's so smart, so sweet, loves to learn, loves to figure out how things work, loves his friends, family, trucks, trains, dancing, playing in the water, playing with Buster, ringing the doorbell, talking on the "hello" (phone), eating nummys (gummy bears) and raisy toast and noonles (noodles). He loves to run around the house naked after his bath (actually he loves it anytime of the day), loves to let Buster drink his bath water, loves to give hugs and kisses, loves to let me take his picture only so he can look at it afterwards. He loves to share Busters breakfast and "dump" over Busters water. There are many days when I'm pretty sure AJ thinks he's a dog. :) Today he was outside when Buster went potty on the grass and he looked at me like, "Wait a second...why can't I do that??" while trying to take his shorts off.

He isn't a fan of getting his diaper changed, or getting out of the bathtub, or being in the car for too long. He loves to watch Barney (Marney as he likes to call it), watch Choo Choo (Thomas The Train) and Pooh. He's starting to enjoy laying in my bed in the mornings with his milk (MULK) which is nice because it allows me to lay there for a few minutes while the sun rises... He loves to pretend- he has tea parties and likes to pour me fake coffee (toffee). He loves any kind of "PARTEEE!"

He's become pretty independent, always telling me "No, no, no...AJ do" which means he can do it and I should let him. He can buckle himself in his carseat (the top part anyway) and is starting to enjoy watching sports. I'm trying to get him to say "Go Lakers!" but so far when I say it, he just laughs. He loves to watch Basketball.

AJ is starting to eat different types of food too. He loves broccoli (trees), snap peas, raisys (raisins), scrambled eggs and chips (chippy!). Just tonight he finally tried ketchup, which he actually likes. (He isn't much of a sauce kinda kid)

Right now, my favorite words are CHOUCH (couch) and WATOOTOO (lawnmower). I have no idea where Watootoo came from, but it has stuck! From all the videos, you can tell that AJ's favorite word is "HUH??" It makes me crazy and I hate the fact that I repeat myself every single time he says it! Someday, I will learn :)

He's starting to learn to count. It's so darn cute! He'll say, "one, two,, tree, one...." I love it! He thinks its hilarious when I count with my fingers.  He's also very good at telling me things- for instance he'll tell me "Off with shoes" when he wants to take his shoes off. Or when I put on a skirt or dress, he'll say "pretty". When I'm in my closet getting dressed and I stand in front of my full length mirror to make sure I look ok, he will look at me and say "ya...ya", so that I know I have his approval. He really does make me feel good about myself!

We're spending a lot of time at our community pool now that it's open. We probably go 4 times a week, if not more. It's super close, inexpensive, and a lot of fun. AJ has become quite the dare devil- he will jump off the side of the pool into my arms! He just loves it! He's also gotten really good at kicking and using his arms. I'm so proud of my little swimmer! Obviously I have to watch him every second, but this year I've got a lot more confidence in him- he is starting to understand how far he can go in the water and still be able to touch the bottom.

I never thought I would be the parent who uses bribery, but here I am.... Really, how can you not use it?? Many of these great pictures you see on the blog are because I have bribed AJ with a gummy bear to say "CHEESE!" I'm not proud of it, but I do love the pictures! :)

AJ loves his family, that's for sure, but he really LOVES his Papa. Papa takes him for airplane rides around the house, they look for bugs, eat pretend pizza, play in the water, play Legos and Papa can get him to try new things. Papa is very good to AJ and I'm so glad they have such a special bond.

That's all for now- I'm sure there's a ton that I've forgotten in this post, but I'll update more later :)

Wuv :)

My Little Bug (catcher)!

 Looking for bugs with Mamna & Papa
 Papa! Catch that bug!

Look! A bug!

See Mom?
Hugs for Lexi!
Handsome boy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Lil Doggie

I have been horrible at updating the blog this past week- life is hectic! But here's a cute pic from this afternoon. We went to our community pool and played for an hour. Afterwards, AJ wanted to wrap himself up in his doggie towel. Such a cutie!