I decided that since it was a good time to think about the things I've learned over the past 11 days...
Lesson 1- As much as I
thought I knew about newborn babies and how to raise them- I didn't know anything! It's just something that you actually have to DO to learn- no one can tell you.
Lesson 2- Someone once told me to make sure my words are sweet because I might just have to eat them! They were right. I really was adamant about Anderson sleeping anywhere else but our bed. I was fine with the bassinet, crib, pack-n-play, etc.., but not our bed. Well, wouldn't you know it; he was in our bed from day one! Now, thankfully he's in his boppy in the bassinet, but I do sneak him back into bed around 4am or so to snuggle with him.. (shh- don't tell Jason!)
Lesson 3- As noted below, shopping after having a baby is
NEVER a good thing. I've only got 4 more pounds to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, but my body has certainly changed so it needs some time to change back (I HOPE!)
Lesson 4 - This may not work for everyone, but breastfeeding is the
BEST DIET out there! I'm eating a lot- not as much crap as I ate while pregnant, but I eat all the time! And I keep losing weight. I never knew I could lose weight and not have to sweat or count calories or work out. I love it! Not to mention bonding with Anderson is the most fantastic thing in the world. It's wonderful when he looks up at me or holds my finger. Oh and the squeaking! It's like music to my ears!
Lesson 5- You really do forget how horrible labor was! I can't believe it- 2 days after labor I was still thinking about how terrible it was. I thought to myself how AJ could certainly be an only child because of how bad it was. Now, I'm kinda like "Well, it wasn't
THAT bad. I'd do it again"
Lesson 6- You know those moms who
ONLY talk about their children? The ones who you look at and think "What in the world did you talk about before having kids???" Well, I'm one of them. I
REALLY didn't want to be, but of course I've got my little photo album in my purse and every time I'm talking to someone new I'm talking about the baby! Just today I had to call the vet and we were talking and I said "Well, I just had a baby 11 days ago so this is why it's been hard to call you back." Like she cares!
Lesson 7- It really does take a
LONG time to get ready in the morning and get out of the house! I could not understand how it could take 2 hours to get ready in the morning, but it does! By the time I shower, get the baby clean and changed, the bag is packed, I dry my hair, makeup, change his diaper, feed him again and then change him again, it's been 2 hours! I have to be out of the house tomorrow at 9:45am and I don't know if I'm going to be able to do it! (Sorry Heather!)
Lesson 8- You always hear that you'll never love anyone or anything more than your child. I wasn't sure I comprehended this before- now, I
TOTALLY get it. It's an insane feeling. I'd do ANYTHING for this child. He's my entire world.