We made it home! We left the hospital yesterday and got home around 2pm. It was a long wait to get discharged as we had to wait for my doctor to check me out and then Anderson's pediatrician to check him out, then sign a LOAD of papers, pack up and head out. It was every emotion.... Scared that now we're on our own (not really, but you know), terrified of the unknown, excited because shoot- it was the first time Anderson had seen well..anything! The sky, our car, his car seat, outside of the 2nd floor of the hospital, etc... He did wonderfully tho. He cried a bit getting into his car seat, but Jason buckled him up really well and he didn't make a peep on the car ride. It helped that he found his fingers yesterday so he had something to chomp on. We drove home and just kinda looked at each other like, "Here we go!"
Once we got home, Jason was so cute and proud, he wanted to take the long way up our street in case any neighbors were out so he could show off his son. Sadly, no one was, but we ended up getting a few visitors shortly after being home. Sharon came over, Ray and Megyn, and then Summer & Guido and kids too. They all loved him and can't get over his hair!
Once unloaded I think that's when I felt most overwhelmed....Just a bunch of bags of stuff. We had bags that we'd brought to the hospital, but then came home with double the stuff and where would we put it all??? I'm still working on that one.
Jason made some dinner for himself- I know I should be eating, but nothing really sounds good. I ended up having some Cheerios for dinner around 9ish. Then after 2 DRAMATIC diaper changes (think red face, holding breath, massive crying etc..AJ, not me!) I decided we needed to get a wipe warmer as I wasn't going to be able to do that much longer and especially not at 2am. I headed to Walmart to get a warmer- probably not a good idea for me as I was loopy from lack of energy, sleep and was in a fog. Anyway, I got home and the stupid thing doesn't work! Whatever...
Then around 10:30pm Anderson and I headed off to bed. I was determined to get a little sleep- was hoping for 3-4 hours or so. He started off OK in his bassinet, but about an hour into that he was over it. So, he went to my bed, then we moved to the glider, then back to the bassinet, and finally was on the boppy (a LIFESAVER) on our bed between us. I was awake a lot checking to be sure he was breathing, but I think I got about 4-5 hours in! Not to shabby... I'm feeling pretty good today- better every day thankfully!
Tonight should be a challenge as we're picking up the dogs this afternoon. I think it's going to be a loud night for us all with them following me everywhere we go, but I'm excited to see them and miss them.
Today I gave Anderson his first little sponge bath which he didn't hate nearly as much I had prepared myself for. I made it quick and warm and changed him into the cutest little puppy dog onesie and brown pants. I laughed when I put them on and they were too big! I remember holding them up after washing them a few months back and saying to my mom that he'd NEVER fit into that outfit- it was WAY too small!
That's all for now... I'm off to shower. Gotta love it- it's 11am and I'm just showing. Ahh, how life changes!
Few more points:
* I'm down 12lbs... Was hoping for more, but I'm happy
* Feeding is going well- this child LOVES to eat!
* It's a good idea to put a trash can in the diaper champ BEFORE bringing baby home! Learned that one last night....