

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kindergarten Graduation!!

It is so hard to believe that it's the end of the school year already! Where did the time go? Something tells me this won't be the last time I wonder that...

Today was AJ's Kindergarten Graduation and it was just the cutest thing to see! I am sure that I made a much bigger fuss about this that AJ would have liked. I think it was just another day for him. But I kept telling him he would never be able to call himself a Kindergartner anymore. That now when someone asks him what grade he is in, he can tell them "First grade!".

The graduation was pretty short. The kids from all 3 classes all stood up together and sang a few songs and read a poem together. Then, one by one their teachers called them up to give them their diploma. Oh, and each kid was asked to wear a hat representing what they want to be when they grow up. There were a lot of fireman hats, nurses hats and AJ apparently wants to be in the army? I had no idea...

Here are some photos and video. Enjoy!

AJ and his WONDERFUL teacher, Mrs. Hayden

With Paige and Ryan... his really good friends!

The Whole Class!

A little closer up this time.. AJ is holding the letter "N"

I tried to get a cute pic.. it was too bright!