

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Big Boy Car Seat!

The time has come.. Our little boy will no longer be sitting in his Snugride car seat. We decided it was time to get him the Britax Roundabout Convertible car seat in HOPES that he'll enjoy the car rides a bit more. Oh, and not to mention he's about to outgrow the one he has! This new car seat will allow him to sit rear facing until he's 1, and then will go forward facing until he's 40lbs. Let's hope that's not too soon!

So, here it is... It should be here on Wednesday! has great prices! Better than Babies R Us

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Avocado for Din Din

Today I decided to have Anderson try avocado for dinner. I got this book, Super Baby Food which was highly recommended to me and I learned that avocado can be a babies first solid food. The other options are rice cereal (been doing that for about a month), sweet potatoes, banana and yogurt. I was originally going to do sweet potato, but they didn't look so good at the store. Personally, I can't imagine eating avocado as it's never been my thing, but I figured that I'd give it a try with AJ.

Check out the video to see if he liked it or not :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

AJ's first Ouchie!

AJ got his first ouchie in California. His mommy didn't cut his nails when she should have... BAD MOMMY! (Of course, I was there to take a pic of it! haha)
Luckily, I don't think he even knew it happened!

Our Trip

We're home! Anderson and I had a wonderful trip to California to visit family and friends and I just have to start out by saying how GREAT he was the entire time! He was dragged around Orange County the entire time, woken up from naps (GASP!) many times, held by so many people and he never had any major melt downs! I was sooooo proud! (and relieved) Of course there were times he was fussy, but I can't blame him. Shoot! I was fussy at times too!

We arrived on Friday and got to celebrate Uncle Matt's birthday. We had a nice dinner at my moms with Matt, Kristin, Dave & my mom.

Helping blow out Uncle Matt's Bday candles

On Saturday, I met up with Shelly and got to have breakfast with her and her little cutie Jacob. It was so fun to catch up and see her little prego belly! Can't wait to meet her new little boy in March!

Later that day we went to lunch (yes, I ate the ENTIRE weekend!) with Jason's sisters, brother in law and niece and nephew. At this time AJ was pretty tired, but Mandy took over and had him giggling like crazy! It was a new laugh I'd never heard before and it was just adorable! Mandy and Michele are great with AJ because they steal him from me the second I walk in and I'm able to take a breath and have a few kid- free moments.

Sunday my Dad & Cory came down to hang out with us. We met up and went to lunch and then walked around downtown Huntington Beach. Then we went to Matt & Kristin's for dinner which was soooo nice! I can't remember the last time we all just sat around and ate dinner and talked together. Because we don't all live near each other, those times aren't as frequent as they used to be so being able to do that now is wonderful.

AJ breaking poor Pops back in the Bjorn...

Monday we visited a few more friends, did some shopping (of course) and then went to lunch with Jason's dad and sisters again. Paul is always so wonderful with Anderson and just loves him to pieces. I'm so glad that AJ got to see him again this trip.

With Grandpa Lew

On Tuesday we got to see some of my moms neighbors and then we met up with Matt for lunch before heading to the airport. We had to say goodbye which is always hard, but it's always a little easier knowing that we'll be back soon. We will all 3 be going back for Christmas :)

One last note, Anderson was FANTASTIC on the plane both times. He was awake for much of the flight on the way to Orange County as I had under medicated him. I wasn't totally sure how much Benadryl to give him so I didn't give him much. Thankfully, we were in the back of the plane and so I was able to stand up much of the flight. He was a hit with the flight attendants :) Then, I gave him a little more Benadryl on the way home and he slept the entire way! YA!!