Yep, that's right! I got to sleep
FOUR hours in a row last night- it's a miracle! I don't know how it happened, but I'm not asking questions at this point. I went to bed last night at 9:30pm and woke up with Anderson in the boppy on our bed around 1:30am. Jason woke up too and asked me if this was the first time I'd fed him since I'd gone to sleep and when I said yes, he told me that he never woke up to take his bottle around 11pm when we'd expected him to. This was wonderful news! Could it be that the tide is changing a bit around here???
Last night we wanted to take my Dad & Cory out to dinner to celebrate their 16 year anniversary. They decided on California Pizza Kitchen and I thought that even though we know Anderson isn't good around dinner time that he would be ok in the restaurant. I figured that since it was loud in there and he'd been pretty good all day- sleeping longer than 2 hours at a time and everything- that he'd sleep through dinner. Boy was I WRONG! We just got seated and then...
WAAAAHHHH!!! I was suddenly that person that
EVERY other person in the restaurant was staring at. I've always been on the giving end of that, not the receiving. Not fun. So, Jason- who seems to be the only one who can calm him during 5pm-9pm- took him and bounced him on his knee for a while until we ordered, and then we all took turns walking him around outside. Very romantic anniversary dinner huh??
We have been learning more and more about Buster the Baby Guard Dog (our Boxer). He ADORES Anderson and takes care of him (as much as he can for being a pup). Yesterday I was in the shower and the baby was downstairs sleeping, Dad & Cory were outside for just a minute. I guess Anderson woke up and was crying, so Buster ran to the front door and gave Cory "the look" that said "Quick! Baby crying! Ruff!" He was rewarded by getting to go next door and play with his best buddy, Ozzy. What a good pup. Then, this morning I turned away from the baby for a second and turned back only to find Buster giving Anderson a tongue bath on his face-
YUCK! It's great that I never have to worry about Buster biting or hurting Anderson, but he could possibly drowned him!
We're really enjoying having Pop and Grammy Cory with us. Anderson is being passed around like crazy and is never without attention. My dad loves carrying him around in the Baby Bjorn- it's the cutest thing and reminds me so much of Steve Martin in Father of the Bride III. Cracks me up! Cory is busy knitting Anderson a cute hat and a sweater- this kid will NEVER be without new outfits and is so incredibly loved :)Tomorrow we plan to go to the Denver Botanical Gardens and then have a little BBQ with Holly, Joel and kids.