This past few days have been...well..messy! For unknown reasons, after eating Anderson has been vomiting. Not just a little spit up or puke but full on projectile vomiting- all over Jason or me. A few nights ago Jason was doing his typical nightly routine with him- walking him all over the house to get him to sleep and I hear "HELP!" so I come running and there is vomit ALL down Jason's shirt. The baby seemed quite content (as he does each time he's done). Then yesterday afternoon after feeding him, he did it again. Vomit EVERYWHERE- down AJ's shirt, on the couch, on 2 burp rags, all over Jason's shirt. Again last night around 2am, it happened yet again. We were laying in bed and Anderson had eaten a very big meal- I'm thinking too big- as it ended up all over my shorts, all over the baby, and ALL over my sheets- meaning I had to sleep the rest of the night in the guest room.
I don't know the reason for all this, but I plan to call the doctor on Monday. He doesn't seem sick and it doesn't happen every time he eats, but it's happening more and more. Perhaps he's overeating? I don't know. I do know it's MESSY and means more loads of laundry.
Poor kid!
eww..messy messy! I feel for ya!
I hope the little guy is ok. Kara has spit-up issues but hasn't projectile vomited yet. Maybe he has a slight case of reflux? I think the doc can test for that. Keep an eye out for what the vomit looks like. If it looks like it has bile in it or is a greenish/brownish color, he definitely needs to go see a doc asap. Hope to hear good news next week after he sees the peds doc.
Congrats for getting a date night out (even if it was with other couples!). Chris and I still haven't had one. We are going on vaca in August at a lake with my in-laws so I hope we get a good amount of alone time then. :)
Good Luck and take care!
Try burping him more often during a feeding. You may have to stop him from eating and just tap his little back as you hold him in whatever position he usually finds his burp. JT used to do this and so did Mandy. They were both VERY aggressive they thought I wasn't going to feed them EVER again! Our peds doc explained that even breast-fed babies suck in a lot of air and have to be burped several times during a feeding.
Little AJ probably has quite the smile on his face after one of these "events" as he is relieved to get that air bubble out of his tummy!
As long as it's just the milk coming back up and not bile or anything else, he should be fine but I'd definitely let his doc know what's going on. If it's not happening EVERY time he eats, it's more than likely nothing serious.
Poor JT...he's always had a pretty low tolerance for things of the "puke" nature...he usually starts gagging right along with the person who's puking.
Isn't it amazing how much stuff can come back up from such a tiny bundle of joy!?! :)
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