

Friday, January 2, 2009

Poor Sick Boy

Sadly, Anderson has his first cold. I figured the time would come soon as he's been super healthy for 6 months. He woke up yesterday extremely congested and also very moody. He can be a moody kid at times, but mainly when he's tired. This was different. Throughout the day I started noticing his eyes were watering and his nose was running out of control and he just was cranky. I feel so bad for the poor fella and wish there was something I could do. For now, I'm just giving him Tylenol, holding him and giving him extra love. I hope he gets better tomorrow!

On another note, AJ is now wearing size 9-12 month clothes! I cannot believe it! He's such a BIG boy! I was going through his closet today to pack away the clothes that don't fit him and was running down memory lane. He sure has some cute clothes! It's hard to believe he used to fit into newborn and 0-3 month sizes and they used to be BIG on him!


Anonymous said...

Awe, I'm sorry lil' AJ! It's not fun to be sick! I know how you feel, I stacked 50 bales of hay today then had an allergic reaction and got hivess and I was feeling ehh, so I know how you feel =) You're a strong boy though :)

Babies grow very fast! It's amazing how fast they grow.

Get well soon, AJ!

-Heather <3

Jenni said...

Oh poor AJ. I feel your pain. Preston caught his first cold back at the beginning of December. He was just getting over it and then caught another one 2 week later. And then today he just started to come down with what seems like a 3rd cold. I can't figure out if he is just not getting over the last one or if it is an entirely new one.

I know that is so many people we saw over the holidays were fighting colds and as hard as I tried to keep them away from Preston, sometimes I just couldn't avoid it. Preston's cousin, who is also 6 months old, had a runny nose and I didn't think anything of it at the time but I am sure that is who he got this most recent cold from. :( Oh well.

I have been trying to save the Tylenol for desperate times when I feel like he can't get relief any other way. I have a friend whom over the years I have watched them give their kids cold medicines for any little symptom and it seems like they are always always always sick with something. I have heard that administering cold medicines make it so the body doesn't learn to develop the immune system as well.

This might sound weird, but I have a friend who is a master herbologist and she gave me some suggestions of natural remedies to do for Preston and his cold.

- Administer 1 Tbsp of red raspberry leaf tea every few hours throughout the day. This breaks up the mucus in the chest.

- Nasal spray can be replaced with breastmilk as a nasal decongestant.

- This might be the weirdest yet, but grill up some onions just until they start to get slimy and put them in a sock. Put the sock on his chest for the night (you can keep it in place by putting saran wrap around it). The smell and oils help loosen chest congestion.

- and this is something I did on my own, but I bought Vicks Baby Vapor rub to put on Preston's chest. It has a lot less harsh ingredients than the adult version. The only thing that worried me is that it contains petrolium but it really couldn't be avoided since it is a sort of vasoline. I've heard that health food stores carry a natural version of this, but I haven't looked for it.