

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Did I just pee myself???

I haven't ever peed my pants as an adult, so I KNEW this wasn't normal... I woke up at 2am Thursday morning and felt like I had to pee, but at the same time I felt like I was peeing! IN BED! So, I got up, and went to the bathroom, then back to sleep. Did this whole thing again at 4am..Then at 8am I lay in bed thinking "I really couldn't still be peeing myself could I???" So, I yelled at Jason and said "I THINK MY WATER BROKE!" Strange tho cause there was no pop or gush... this is what I expected.

So, I called the doc at 8:15 and told her what happened and she said to come in to their office to be checked, but to bring my bags as they'd probably admit me. I ate breakfast, we showered, fed the dogs, etc... all the while Jason is skipping around the house saying "SHUG! It's happening!" haha- so cute! We finally get to the doc office around 9:30- they check me, I'm finally dilated to 1CM and yep, my water broke! YAH!

Next they tell us to drive around to admissions, and check in... Very anticlimactic actually- I pictured screaming, yelling, running to get wheelchairs, etc...Nope, I carried some bags, walked myself in and all that... So, after 1000 questions from the nurse and a PAINFUL IV in my arm I am all set to have this kid. I've been walking around for 45 mins in hopes to move along farther- waiting to feel like I'm in labor. I've got no pain, don't feel anything. Just enjoying ice chips and watching Wimbledon- timing is great!

Ok, I'll update later or Jason will if I can't. THANK YOU for all your love and support!

Sadly, I didn't get Starbucks today..boohoo :)


Summer said...

Kate, I expect hourly updates no matter where you are with labor. I'm so excited to meet the little guy. You will do great!!!


Unknown said...

Yahoooo! I'm with Summer. Please update as you can.

Wish we were closer...

You WILL do great!


Jenni said...

Haha love it! This sounds so familiar...the anticlimatic thing. Okay back to reading your other updates....