Doc just came in things are progressing! ya! I'm finally 1CM dilated and he's very pleased with everything. Says I'm contracting every minute or 90 seconds which I can now CERTAINLY feel. I'm not close to getting pain meds, but I have to stop what I'm doing while I'm contracting and just breathe thru it at this point. I know it'll only get worse...
Doc said that he's done with the cervix meds (YA!) and he's kinda just waiting to see if I'll need Pitocin or not- but if I continue the way I am now, it wont be necessary- more great news!
Yes, I cannot believe I'm blogging while I'm birthing either- this could be my last post depending on pain, but I'll have Jason blog for me or call with updates if we move along faster.
All for now.
YEAH!!!! Keep up the good work! Let JT do the do the breathing! heehee
love ya!
GO KATE! I truly hope it goes faster now! Try getting up and walking around now that they are done with the cervix might help!
Good Luck and I can't wait for the next post...maybe you will be at 4cm then?! crossing my fingers!
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