

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Could these be contractions???

Last night I had a really hard time sleeping.. We went to Olive Garden for dinner (YUM!) and while I ate my fair share, I don't think I over did it more than I normally do... On the way home, I just wasn't feeling right. My stomach was SO tight, but I just chalked it up to the food having less and less room to sit due to the baby growing. Well, I couldn't sleep much and had some menstrual type pain. Finally fell asleep around 1am.

Woke up this morning feeling ok- crabby from lack of sleep but otherwise ok. Didn't walk the dogs, it was too hot and I was too tired, but I did hit the book store and had an appt to get my oil changed. Since about oh... 10ish I have felt pretty crappy- not just tired, but like my stomach is SO hard still and more pain like last night. It's not anything that I can time cause it seems pretty consistent. I like to tell myself that maybe I'm in labor and this is as bad as it'll be- haha- I don't think I'm that lucky.

I'm not calling the doctor or anything as there's no point. Last time they told me if I can breathe or talk thru the pain not to call. Well, I'm breathing and talking- just moving slower and making lots of grunting noises...

Still have my doc appt tomorrow at 2pm which I fully expect I will be at. I've asked Jason to come with me as I have a TON of questions and I never seem to remember the answers. Everytime I tell him how I'm feeling he gets this big grin on his face and says "ALRIGHT!" meanwhile, I'm in pain!

Also found out today that I have to be at the hospital on Thursday at 6pm, not 8:30pm as I was originally told, then they start the actual induction Friday at 6:30am. Wouldn't it be nice if the induction went really well and easy and he was born by like...noon?

Speaking of the induction, I woke up completely TERRIFIED of giving birth- probably another reason I couldn't sleep last night. All this time, when anyone has asked me about how I feel about actually having the baby, I thought and said "well, he's coming out one way or another right? So, no reason to freak"... And now I'm freaking.... Partly cause if I do get induced I just have NO CLUE what to expect (IV's, drugs, contractions, possible C-section, LOTS of waiting, etc...) and partly because...well, I don't like the unknown.

More updates later if anything changes...

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