After a month of baby, baby, baby, we were lucky enough to get a night out with friends last night. It was our friend Holly's birthday and so we went to The Melting Pot with Holly & Joel and our other great friends Heather & Domenic. We planned to have Heathers mom, Ruby watch all 5 of the kids including Anderson. We all trust Ruby to the fullest and have known her for years. She's watched all the kids before, with the exception of Anderson, obviously.
I was a little concerned about leaving Anderson- not because of Ruby; we trust her 100%, but I just hoped he would take the bottle (still perfecting that) and not scream all night long. I also knew we'd be gone for 3-4 hours so I would have to time feeding/pumping.
We got to the Melting Pot around 7pm and had our own room where we enjoyed 4 courses of fantastic fondue and many rounds of drinks. The girls all got dressed up- like we always do and we just all talked, laughed and enjoyed ourselves as usual. Dinner finally ended around 11- it was a long night for me as I've been hitting the sack around 8:30pm lately- and we headed back to Heather & Domenics and found out that all the kids were wonderful! Anderson took the bottle with no problems and was all around really good. I was SO proud and SO thankful! I was also thrilled to see him as I missed him terribly! It was great to be able to get out, but it was so good to be back with him and just hold and smell him.
It was yet another REALLY great night with our BEST Friends! Happy Birthday Holly!
Such a cute picture of you two!
Argh! I just typed a huge long comment and then my internet explorer window wigged out and it got lost. So I'll try again...
you look beautiful all dressed up!
Will and I seriously need to do a date night alone soon. We have been so consumed with the baby lately that we have had no time together.
We have tickets to go see the new Batman movie, and we've been trying to figure out which movie theater would be the most remote so we can go there and not bother people with a baby - assuming we can get him to sleep by the time we arrive so that he will sleep through the entire thing.
We are pathetic huh. We just need to bite the bullet and get a babysitter.
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