Today I realized that my life has become about finding a balance in everything I do. I have this FANTASTIC son in my life who takes up a large majority of my day and still all the other things that I need to try to fit in as well. He obviously takes priority and I want to spend as much time with him as I can- but I also have things to get done, friends I need to see and catch up with, errands to run, a house to clean, a husband to care for and then there's me. I need a shower sometimes!
So, I've come to realize that when Anderson is sleeping I am running around the house trying to get as much done as I can. Brush my teeth, shower, eat- then he wakes up- feed the dogs, clean up my mess in the kitchen, do a load of laundry- then he wakes up- fold the laundry, check my email, ask Jason about his day, write a list of needs from the grocery store- then he wakes up. I'm not at all complaining- I wouldn't change my life for ANYTHING, but it's certainly changed!
The other thing we're learning to balance is Anderson's sleeping and eating. He either sleeps too much during the day and then not at all at night, or vise versa. And he will snack a lot during the day and eat hourly or he'll eat too much at once and puke it all up! We're learning..
He woke up- gotta go!
I'm glad you posted this - because I have a hard time with this too. So much of my day is spent taking care of Preston, even though I am happy to do it! But breastfeeding alone is a job in itself since it takes anwyhere from 20 - 40 min each time. And then if he is fussy and not wanting to sleep, sometimes that takes time too trying to get him down. And I'm like you,I am running around trying to get things done while he sleeps.
The hardest is when neither one of us get much sleep, and so it will take me an entire day to recover because I'm trying to sleep when he sleeps.
I think it is because they are still so young. Eventually, hopefully within a couple of weeks actually, they will fall more into a schedule and you will be able to plan better for your day.
finding balance is so hard when they are infants! especially when you are breastfeeding...but I promise it gets better. just don't get discouraged- do what you can and don't put yourself down if you only get a load of laundry done...definitely get your husband to help out around the house as much as he can. I've got an awesome husband, he cooks & cleans!
you will get into a routine eventually but the funny thing is (unless you only plan to have one), once you get used to a good routine, then you decide to have another one and it throws all your hard work with the 1st one out the window! hahah
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