Today I decided I need to go to the nursing class that is offered weekly at the hospital. Anderson is eating a lot, but he's eating WAY too often and falling asleep each time which means I get NO sleep (as stated in many previous postings). They ask you to bring a hungry baby so they can watch you nurse, weigh them prior to feeding and after (to see how much they eat at one feeding) and wouldn't you know it; he slept almost the ENTIRE time! I figured he's always hungry so he would be then, but not so much.
The class was really helpful though as the one minute (literally) he was awake and eating, Anderson actually ate an entire ounce. Doesn't sound like much, but one ounce in one minute was huge! What that told the lactation consultant is that he's a great eater, but just a snacker. This means he's not getting the "fatty" milk, only the "carb" type milk. She explained to me like this: If I ate only carbohydrates I would be hungry more often, rather than if I mixed it up with fat and protien.
So what does this mean? This probably means more sleepless nights and a very upset kid, because she told me that I should only feed him every 2 hours. No more letting him feed for 5 minutes every 45 minutes. He's putting me on a schedule when it should be the other way around. I tried it once already and wouldn't you know it I was in Macy's when he FLIPPED out. (WHY does he hate that store so much???- oh, and the reason that I seem to be there so often is because I never get to look around!) He had to wait another 30 minutes to eat and eventually cried himself to sleep while waiting. It was HARD to do, but not as hard as I thought. I know that he can eat a lot, and felt that I had the support of the lactation consultant and I am DETERMINED to get some sleep! I know now that I am not starving him.
I also learned that Anderson now weighs in at a WHOPPING 10 pounds, 10 ounces! I cannot believe how fast he is growing! There were probably 20 new moms at the class today and they all had this tiny babies and AJ looked HUGE! Granted, he was a few weeks older than most, but still! I can't believe he was ever that small!
A quick update on Weight Watchers- I am THRILLED to say that I am currently ONE POUND away from my pre-prego weight. YA!!! Clothes still don't fit, but heck- I care about the number! hahah- I have been eating a lot less crap, and many more salads and really watching my snacking. It seems to be workin!
Off to feed, my 2 hours is up!
Hmmm...I wonder if our hospital offers a nursing class? I know I took a breastfeeding class when I was pregnant with Ryan but we practiced with dolls (funny I know!). I am sure they offer something for new nursing moms. Even though I should be considered a pro with this being my second, I still have some issues with Kara. She wouldn't latch on properly when I was still in the hospital. I have to use a nipple shield (flat nipples- had the same problem with Ryan too) and I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it again. :(
She is still lazy when she gets on...doesn't open her mouth wide enough. I constantly have to pull her lower jaw down to help widen her mouth. I don't think I should be doing this?! She eats every two hours and thankfully this week she started to sleep 5 to 6 hours straight through the night!! It is hard because your breast have to adjust once they sleep longer but it's also nice to get even more sleep! :)
Hope AJ gets used to his new feeding schedule and you get more sleep soon! When do you go back to work.
Good for you for going to a class! Preston was a snacker too and I finally have him eating every two or three hours now. The key was occupying him when he would want to eat - to make him holdout long enough before it was time to eat. It has helped a lot.
But he does tend to snack in the mornings. But I am just assuming its because he sleeps for longer stretches in the night so he's hungrier...but his little tummy can only hold so much, so he's ready to eat again shortly after his morning feeding.
You'll get it figured out though and be happier. I know I was tired of being a milk machine all of the time too.
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