

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dreaded 5 o'clock hour..

I notice small patterns with Anderson. The first pattern was his sleeping. For the first few weeks, we'd have one good night and then we'd have a bad night. It was like clockwork. I could always count on it.

Now, there is the dreaded 5 o'clock hour- every night. Anderson gets REALLY cranky, cries uncontrollably, acts like he's got a bad tummy ache and is pretty much inconsolable. It's terrible because Jason and I feel so helpless and yes, I will admit it- by that time of the day I really have a hard time handling it. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep and trying to get stuff done all day and Jason is tired and mentally drained from work. For the last few nights Jason has taken over during these times because I just can't deal. I'm so thankful for his help.

I can't help but wonder if Anderson has colic?? I HATE that word because it just tells me that we're in for a long few months ahead, but I don't know what else it could be??? He's typically upset from about 5pm or so until 10pm or so. Last night I fell asleep rocking him in the glider from 9-11pm.

I'm going to look into what can be done to help soothe him during these times. The doctor yesterday didn't say that he had colic, but did mention maybe giving him some chamomile tea to calm him down. I'll try anything!


The High Family said...

It could just be his cranky time. Kara's is from 8pm-10pm...never fails as soon as 8 hits, her crying starts. So I don't think they have colic, I just think they are venting (of what? I have no clue what would tick off a newborn?! lol).

Have you tried the tips from Happiest Baby on the Block? I didn't believe in them at first but after a few nights of wanting to pull my hair out, I finally googled it and watched what the man had to say.

There are 5 S's- swaddle, sway, suck, shhhh and for the life of me I can't remember the 5th one! I swaddle Kara (she isn't a fan and does break her arms free most nights) first and then give her a nuk (again not a fan but will eventually start to suck). I then lay her sideways towards my chest (they say infants feel like they are falling when on their backs even when you are holding them) while swaying back and forth quickly and shhhhing in her ear.

Again I didn't think it would work and after a few tries, it started to work! Now if only my husband can get the nak at it...she gives him more grief! hahah

Good Luck and remember...this too shall pass...and then it's on to the next stage!

Jenni said...

Ya know, I think every baby has a "cranky" time of night. Our's does this too...from about 4:30pm until 7 or 8pm. I think it is NORMAL.

From what I've read cholicy babies just scream and can't be soothed. ANd its lasts for a couple of months.

I think every parent tends to wonder at least sometimes if their baby is cholicy - but it seems like EVERYONE I talk to goes through the same thing. So I don't know!

Anonymous said...

So I read this to Art and he said that Jacob had colic and he was the exact same way. He said he gave him mylocon (check the spelling) drops and just walked him around for about two hours.. Hopefully thats not what is up with his cranky moods.. Doesnt Anderson know that 5 o'clock is "happy" hour??!!