

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Massage Does Not Equal Labor...

I had a WONDERFUL prenatal massage this morning- could have been one of the most relaxing massages I've ever had- it helps to not be running late or have too much on my mind. I half hoped it might throw me into labor, but so far no such luck. That's OK tho. I came home and worked in the yard a bit and then did...well..nothing? Actually, that's not entirely true. I cleaned the kitchen floor and read some of my book- that's about it! Part of me is feeling bad for not doing anything while Jason works, but the other part of me keeps thinking "I'm 38 weeks pregnant and I'm still getting paid!" Something I'll have to get used to.

I booked my trip out to California today for September. It'll be AJ's first plane trip! I'm not terrified about that..yet... I'm sure it'll be quite the experience, but it'll be well worth it to see the Grandparents, family and good friends. I'll be in California from Sept 12-19th, but only in OC until the 16th- then up to see my Dad in Arroyo Grande.

We don't have much planned this weekend- actually we pretty much have no plans for the next few weeks. I'm sure we'll be seeing The Incredible Hulk- seeing as tho it's Fathers Day and I'm sure Jason will get to pick the movie. It's also my dad's 65th Birthday on Sunday and I so wish I could be there to help celebrate. Sadly I can't in my "condition". My hope is that AJ comes that day which would probably the best present! I'll see what I can do :)

Things I still need to do (or want to do) before AJ arrives:

Clean blinds
Finish the nursery- just some odds and ends
Put together the swing (I'm on #13 in the instructions and I'm so lost!- so it continues to sit in the living room in pieces)
Triple check hospital bag
Organize the garage (this may not happen..)
Get dogs stuff organized for Camp Bow Wow- they'll be spending a few days there once AJ arrives

9 Days!! (or less I hope!)

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