

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy About Being Pregnant Because...

Well, today is my "official" due date and I figure rather than write about how miserable I am and how I can't wait to meet AJ, I should write about all the great things about being pregnant. A little reminder to myself I guess. Here goes:

*I have had a VERY easy pregnancy- some morning sickness, but thats about it
*AJ & I have been healthy the entire time- never once got a cold, test negative for all routine tests, never had high BP, his heartbeat was found and at a good rate since my first US, etc..
*I haven't gained an enormous amount of weight- only about 20lbs
*I bought a whole new wardrobe- sure it was maternity, but it was shopping right?
*It's been a great excuse to eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in sight- the word diet has not been in my vocabulary for 10 months
*NO stretchmarks yet (I say yet because I've heard you can still get them after birth- fingers crossed I don't!)
*I've been all around a much happier person
*Jason has really shown what a wonderful, supportive, loving husband he is and I have no doubt that will carry over into who he is as a father
*People have come out of the wood works to show their generosity- it's been just amazing
*Seeing my families excitement and joy about having a baby in the near future has been incredible. It's so fun to be able to give them their have the first grandchild (and nephew, etc).
*I have FINALLY joined my great friends in this journey of parenthood and it's so great to know that I'll be able to get advice from them.
*Lastly, after many years of not understanding, I FINALLY get why when all us girls go on a shopping day together, it never fails that we have as much fun or more at Baby Gap or Gymboree as we do at Banana Republic or Nordys!

1 comment:

Cupcake Dreamer said...

I really like the fact that you took time to reflect on what has been happy times for you with your pregnancy. I know it's hard to stay positive at this point in your pregnancy.

I may have to use your idea to blog in a few days. It's time for me to spread a little positivity as well.

Thanks for reminding me of what we should be happy about regardless if the baby has come.