

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

At LEAST there is a light at the end of the tunnel...

I was REALLY hoping to go to my doctors appt today and get some great news- like I was dilated or that there was SOME change from the past 2 weeks, but I got nothing...Same ole stuff- I'm not dilated, not progressing, but again thankfully we are both healthy.

Here's the scoop:
I'm holding strong at 20lbs- so I quickly went to Del Taco for lunch- hahah! Dr. Chu said that he's still head down, that she doesn't think his head is too big and that she doesn't see any reason why he wouldn't fit into the birth canal. She thinks he's long which I was happy about. Her educated guess is that he's probably about 7lbs and I expressed my concern about him being TOO big to fit. She said that at most he'll gain about another pound before delivery so not to worry too much about that (I was 9.7lbs and Jason was 8.5lbs- you can see why I'm worried) My main concern about being induced is that I have 24 hours of hard labor only to find out that I need a C-section. She said that it's possible, but that the chances are very minimal- about 5%. I can handle that..

So, she decided to get me "on the books" for an induction just in case he doesn't EVER feel like coming out. I have my last appt next Wednesday June 25th with Dr. Zart who I really love and then if there is still no change I will go into the hospital Thursday June 26th at 8:30pm to get this whole thing going. That night they'll trying to soften my cervix and then start the induction meds on Friday the 27th meaning that would be AJ's BIRTHDAY! There is a possibility that I'll go to my appt on Wednesday and she'll tell me I don't need to come in until Friday and that my cervix is already softening, but she wanted to get the appt scheduled anyway.

This gives at MAX 10 more days of being pregnant, which I can handle (not like I have much choice) I am going to work on changing my attitude from "WHEN WILL HE GET HERE???" to "ONLY 10 MORE DAYS!"

Then there is always the possibility of him just coming out on his own- which would be the best case scenario. You never know?

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