

Monday, June 16, 2008

Fathers Day

A little late, Happy Fathers Day! I think Jason had a nice day- his real celebration and gift was his guys weekend last weekend, but we still did a little celebrating. I made us a nice breakfast, got him 2 cigars and a book about being a Dad. He worked in the yard for a few hours- it was REALLY HOT but all the neighbors were out so it was just another reminder of how lucky we are to live here. Such great people around us.

Then we went to see The Incredible Hulk. I'm not into super hero movies at all, and would have begged not to see it- but heck, it was Fathers Day. I think I've done my fair share of seeing GUY movies lately... The movie in my opinion wasn't that great- I liked Iron Man better- However, I liked Sex and The City better than both combined :)

During the movie I started to feel really crappy- I wasn't sure if it was baby related or the fact that I'd eaten an icee, some popcorn and Reece's Pieces- but I wanted to puke! So, we got home and I still wasn't feeling well- my stomach was killing me and so tight. I think I actually was having contractions cause they continued throughout the night and even this morning. So I napped a little, had an apple for dinner and then tried to sleep. Went to bed at like 8:30 and didn't fall asleep until after 11. At least the Lakers won tho huh?

So today starts another week off work without a baby.... I've decided that I'm going to enjoy this time and not try to RUSH the baby out. Will it really be possible to wake up when I want, take the dogs on a leisurely stroll and then water the yard while listening to the birds chirp after he's born? Probably not for a while- so I will enjoy this while I can.

Jason keeps asking me what my plan is for the week- what I'll be doing and asking if I'm bored. I kinda am I guess, but I can always find things to do (or clean) So today I think I may get a Mani/Pedi. Shoot- I deserve it right?? haha! Then who knows what I'll do....

Have another doctors appt tomorrow and I'm REALLY looking forward to it. It'll be a big appt to see if I'm dilated, try to find out how big he is and plan a date of induction if needed. Updates later! :)

1 comment:

Summer said...

When is AJ going to join this world?!?!?!? I'm dying to meet the little man. BTW, you look great for being ready to pop at any moment!!
