He did it! He did it!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!!! Anderson slept in his crib the ENTIRE night and only woke up ONE TIME!!! I am THRILLED and sooo proud!
Yesterday, I decided that since we weren't having company anymore that it was time to get Anderson on a better sleeping schedule. For the past 2 weeks he would start out in his crib (or Pack N Play when we were in California) and then around 2am, he would wake up and wouldn't go back in. I was too exhausted to keep trying or else we had company I didn't want him to wake them. So, we both would sleep on the couch. It worked out ok as most nights I was able to sleep; but I knew this couldn't last. So, for his nap yesterday I decided he was going to have to cry it out. It wasn't as hard for me as I thought to let him do this because it was day time and I knew he was fed and clean. Plus, it helped that I vacuumed so I didn't have to hear it!
12 minutes later- he was zonked! YAH!!!!
So, last night, I fed him at 11 (he'd already been sleeping but we were at friends) and put him in his crib. He didn't wake up until 4:45am!!! That's his longest stretch ever! At 5:30am he went back to his crib and did a LITTLE fussing, but he fell back to sleep! Here's the strangest part...it's 7:45am right now and he is STILL ASLEEP!! The entire house is awake EXCEPT Anderson??? Jason and I have checked on him about 10 times in the past 10 minutes because we keep thinking something is wrong?? Of course he's fine.
Lastly- somehow he ended up sleeping on his stomach- I didn't put him that way, but at 7am when I checked on him, he was like that...Maybe that's what he likes???
Oh, what a day!! :)
Oh....my....gosh!!!!!!!! That is HUGE!! After weeks and weeks of you not getting much sleep because he's up so much during the night, WOW. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!
I think it must be around this age or something, because both Bobbi and I have noticed that our little ones have started sleeping longer too. Bobbi said Kara slept 8 hours the other night. And all week long Preston has been sleeping through the night! (by sleeping through the night, I mean he goes to bed at 10pm and doesn't wake up until 5 or 6 am).
He ended up on his belly? Wow! I wonder if he rolled himself over! LOL That would be crazy. He rolled over for the first time and you totally missed it cuz you were both asleep. :)
Well there is a light at the end of the tunnel, because Owen is 4 months old and he sleeps from 10-8! So it won't be long now for your little one!
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