

Thursday, September 25, 2008

I miss being pregnant!

Am I nuts or what?? I can't believe I feel this way but I do miss being pregnant! It's the strangest feeling! I miss having Anderson kick inside me, and the wonder of what life will be like after he's born. It's making me want to be pregnant again- which I will NOT be doing any time soon.

When I get this feeling, I remind myself of how fat I felt, my sore hips, my constant feelings of exhaustion, and the feeling that it was the LONGEST 40 weeks in history! And yet...I would do it all over again... And I will- just not right now :)

Another reason that I don't logically want to be pregnant again is that I'm having so much fun with Anderson- he's becoming so much fun and responding so much! He's laughing, smiling and is much more predicable than he used to be. I don't want to share my time I have with him with another yet. I want to enjoy him 100%.


Jenni said...

Weird, but I sorta know how you feel. Every now and then I miss it too. I guess its not so much missing being pregnant, but missing (like you said) the anxiety of a new life to come. Actually I also moreso really miss Preston being little. He is already almost 16 pounds at 3 and 1/2 months and though he slowly changes before my eyes, I look back at his newborn pictures like it was yesterday and can't believe how much he has already grown. So in THAT sense, I miss him being little...which makes me miss having a newborn around...which makes me miss pregnancy. LOL

The High Family said...

totally understand this feeling!

after Ryan was born (horrible birth experience with him), I was exhausted and scared. I remember is going to be an only child! well at my 6 week PP appt, I sat in the waiting room with a few pregnant women and all of a sudden I felt the I MISS BEING PREGNANT feelings. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I was so sad and really wanted that belly back with my beautiful baby kicking inside! I missed everything about was also sad because I knew that I wasn't going to feel the same way with my second or even third pregnancy someday. And I was right...I was so busy with life and Ryan that Kara's pregnancy flew by and I didn't get to really "enjoy" it like the first time around. I am quickly learning that motherhood is full of surprises. some good and some bad...but it is the most amazing, most fulling experience ever! :)

The High Family said...

ummm yea, meant to type fulfillng! oh geez!