I cannot believe that Anderson will be 3 months old tomorrow! It all seems like a whirlwind! It's been amazing to think back to the past three months and all that has changed in our lives and just how much Anderson has grown and developed.
In the past 3 months, AJ has developed quite the personality, made some decisions on what he likes and dislikes and met SOOOO many people! He has also experienced a tremendous amount of things. Looking back, maybe too much?
Lately I've been thinking back to all the things that we've done in his short life and realized that yes...I think I did too much, too fast. I can't change it, but I can keep this in mind so that when we have Baby #2, I SLOW down a bit. No more mall shopping at 5 days old. I came to admit the other day that subconsciously I didn't want my life to change (but seriously how could it not?) so I just went along with my life as I knew it and took AJ along for the ride. I am/was proud that I did so much with him, but I think it probably wasn't that great to do with such a small baby. I think I was also feeling like since I was home, I should be doing something- not sitting on the couch or resting (I SOOO should have rested!). I wanted to prove that I wasn't some bum or slacker, which now I see wouldn't have been the case at all. I had just had a baby! I deserved a little couch time and shut eye! Luckily, I don't think any harm was done and AJ seems to have adjusted just fine.
So, whats next? Well, we don't have plans for any more company in the near future and we aren't going anywhere until November so the plan is to SLOW DOWN! I just QUIT MY JOB (YIPPEE!!) so now I am officially a STAY AT HOME MOMMY! I couldn't imagine leaving Anderson with someone else who didn't love him like I do and have them watch him smile and respond and learn new things while I was working. Thankfully, we are able to live on Jason's income (with a few lifestyle changes of course) and he is 100% supportive of this. This has been my dream for many years so I feel incredibly lucky!
Anderson and I are going back to the basics. I plan to work out- and now that he's old enough we can use the jogging stroller- and join a Moms Club, play during the day, scrap, and get on a routine. It's time to start teaching Anderson how to sleep longer and to get himself to sleep- rather than being rocked each time. It's tiring and it's going to be a challenge, but now that I don't have to worry about him waking someone in the guest room, we can do this. I also feel like in the past 3 months, I have really slacked at being a good friend. I haven't been able to focus on growing my friendships and I plan to spend more time and energy on that as well.
It really has been an amazing 3 months. We have been so fortunate to have so many visitors; My mom, my Dad & Cory, Jason's Dad Tom, Jason's Mom Donna. And we've been lucky enough to get out to California to meet the rest of our immediate family as well. We've gone on a little mini vacation to Breckenridge, been to friends BBQ's and had some BBQ's of our own. Throughout all of this, Anderson has been an incredible baby. Sure, he's been overstimulated many times and had many fussy times, but when I think about all that we've put him through and included him in, he's been just amazing! I couldn't ask for more!
Ahhh...first HAPPY 3 MONTHS AJ!
I love, love, love those cheekies...just want to put my hand through the screen and pinch them! ok only a mommy would say such a thing! lol
Second, well I thought you were CRAZY for going to wal-mart right after having that little guy and tell you the truth I felt like I was a "slacker mommy" because all I wanted to do was sleep and not clean or shop. BUT...I am glad you realized that it's definitely more important to take care of yourself and the baby over anything else in the beginning.
You are an awesome mommy and AJ is one very lucky little dude. ;)
Much luck in the upcoming months...holidays are such a joy with babies and CONGRATS on quitting the job. Doesn't it feel so wonderful to not have that extra stress in life. ahhhhh
yay for you! :)
I don't know if you remember, but I went to Target when Preston was 1 week old. My mom and I went shopping becuase I didn't have anything to wear. Literally. None of my shirts fit, and I didn't want to wear maternity clothes anymore. LOL It was sooo depressing!
But we've been taking Preston out with us since day one. Well, okay since like day 5 or 6, but still. I don't regret it. Like you said there were a few times when he got overstimulated. And we did regret that (cuz we were up all night!). But it was fun. I had so many people commend me for getting out with the baby too.
The only place I didn't take him was to church. I waited until he was 1 month old because church is just a germfest. All the kids wiping their noses and coughing. I even see adults there sick and then they shake your hand after they've coughed into it. Yuck. So I was cautious about church, and once we finally did go I didn't let anyone touch or hold him.
Even though I was out doing things I did take the time to rest too though. Well I had to - that dang Csection was a super hard recovery! It took me 2 weeks before I could even get out of a chair and stand up straight under 2 minutes. LOL
ANyway, I think you are smart for wanting to rest more with your next one, but you can still rest AND get out. :) hehe.
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