

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Coughing Game

Anderson has this new game he likes to play with me. I pretend cough, then he pretend coughs..over and over...It's the cutest thing because he gets this big grin on his face and knows it's a game. It is amazing to see him grow up so fast and learn so many things!

I hope to capture this on video this week :)


Heather Smith said...

That sounds so cute! I have many horses plus a foal. Farashah (Foal) will play a game with Boomer and she'll neigh the he'll neigh then she'll then he'll but she doens't even know why she's talking. It's really funny! :)

Heather Smith said...

Okay, I just realized that I'm talking about horses and your talking about Anderson and I though that would make you just a little confused. I was just making a point that my horses play games too...

Jenni said...

SOOOO cute!! You have to try and get it on video - that would be so fun to watch!!