

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Ahhh, fruit. Fruit is so good for you. It tastes so good. It's so very sweet. I love fruit. AJ loves fruit.

Fruit DOES NOT love AJ.

This poor kid can eat grapes and watermelon for breakfast, cantaloupe for lunch and peaches for dinner (with other things of course). And to top it off, he LOVES dried fruit for a snack.

The problem with this is...MAJOR POOPOOS!!! Which leads to MAJOR DIAPER RASH!!

I'm still trying to figure out how much is too much! Here's what he ate today....This made for 6 POOPY diapers and a painful booty.

Eggo waffle
5 grapes
3 grown person size pieces of watermelon
Soy Milk

2 bites of cantaloupe
1 slice of peach (we were at a farmers market- hence all the fruit for a snack)
a few goldfish
Soy Milk

Wheat bread slice with melted cheddar cheese
1 piece of cantaloupe
Soy milk
few bites of my healthy choice Margarita Chicken meal- he LOVES it

more goldfish
Slice of cheese - at this point I was trying to help solidify things...

Few bites of chicken
Soy Milk
Apple Cinnamon Nutrigrain bar

Ok, so as I'm writing this down, I'm realizing that I give AJ a TON of fruit...ugh! He LOVES it. What to do....

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Word. That's all I have to say. LOL

Preston eats a lot of fruit too. he has had a lot of poopy diapers lately too (see my recent post entitled "The Poop Factory" from 2 days ago), but I honestly think its from the whole milk. We just upped his milk from one bottle a day to 3 or 4. LOL