So, here we are at 7 weeks and I'm not sure if it's because it's raining outside or what but I'm feeling pretty stuck in the house and I need some new things to do with Anderson. I was telling Jason last night that as much as I don't want Anderson to grow up quickly, I'm also really looking forward to when he's about 6 months or so because he'll be able to enjoy so many new things.
I'd like to be able to take him to the Children's Museum or the Denver Zoo, but it's kinda silly to do that at this point I think.
I know we've been out and about a lot since he's been born, but even I can only shop SO MUCH. We've gone for walks, read books, and have started playing with rattles and toys more often but I am sad to admit, I'm feeling kind of bored. Is that terrible of me?? I'm not bored with Anderson, just bored with the small amount of activities we can do (and enjoy) together.
Any suggestions of things to do, feel free to comment!
Hey Kate- I completely understand how you feel right now. I actually used to call Ryan, "the blob!" and secretly wished he was a year old so we could do cooler things together. I also didn't want to rush the infancy stage but the repetativeness (sp?) of feeding, pooping, napping, "what do we do now?" day in and day out got old real fast!
The funny part was that once he hit a year old, then I got bored with that stage and wished he was older he is almost 3 and I can't wait for him to get over the terribly 2 stage!! LOL Funny how each stage makes me want the next one that much faster.
Now that we have two, it's different. I still can't stand the "blob" stage but I feel like it's going by so much faster because I have an infant and toddler to deal with every day. I think we are done having children so I want to try to enjoy Kara's infancy more than I did with Ryan...once it's's gone. :(
So with all that being said, here are a few things I did with Ryan and I try to do with Kara. One is is a big part of my life (I sing) and I wanted my children to know/listen to all types of music. So everyday I turn on the music channels on the tv (or put in a cd I want to listen to) and have the kiddies in the family room listening while hanging out in the swing, doing tummy time on the mat, etc. Each week is a different style...we listen to them all (except rap and heavy metal of course!). Ryan really loves bluegrass for some odd reason. I also love to dance with them! It's fun and burns the calories! :)
Baby Einstein DVD's! If you are looking to get some stuff done around the house and AJ is awake, I highly recommend sitting him down in front of one of these! To an adult they seem really strange at first (especially the foreign language ones) but babies love 'em!
Exercise- I have this really neat book about exercise with babies. Can't recall the title off the top of my head, but it has great exercises that you can do with baby safely. ie: sit-ups, arm work...Just google exercise + babies and I am sure you will find something.
Photography- I was/still am a photo junkie and can't help but take pics of the kids! I pose them all over the's great now that we have the digital. Can't tell you how much money I wasted when Ryan was a baby on film developing!! Now I can delete if it turns out bad. hah!
Ok- so sorry for the long comment. Good Luck and I am sure you will find different things to do with him. It does get easier (especially when you introduce foods)...they will roll over, scoot, crawl, many wonderful things to look forward too. ENJOY them all. :)
Naps are good. LOL
Just kidding. I feel guilty that I want Preston to nap all of the time so I can actually get things done. Except for days like today when he didn't EVEN take a nap AT ALL. The kid was awake from 9am to 9pm, with a few 10 min naps here and there. I was seriously going crazy.
So today, my answer is naps. I think that is what babies should do so parents can get some peace. LOL
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