I figure it might be a good idea to give an update on the many things I've tried to work on with Anderson over the past few weeks:
The Baby Whisperer
I have yet to read any more of the book at this point- those darn Olympics are in the way of my reading time- however I think we're doing a good job of following it's main ideas. We're certainly not perfect at EASY (Eat, Activity, Sleep, You) but it's always on my mind. I do my best to feed Anderson every 2-3 hours. He's pretty good about waiting it out until 3 hours and I've learned that when he is upset and ready to eat but it's not time that a change of scenery is helpful. So I take him outside or we walk around. After he eats, I do my best not to let him just fall right to sleep- not always easy though. I try to bathe him, or at least change his diaper as our activity. Sleeping isn't his favorite thing to do; at least not when I want him to sleep. He has started cat napping which makes me crazy because ANY noise will wake him up and it gives me very little time to do anything - like shower. It's all a work in progress. I feel like we have some resemblance of a routine which is nice. We'll keep working on it.
Sleeping in the Crib
I have pretty much stopped trying this for now. Yesterday when he was already asleep I put him in his boppy in the crib (trying to mimic our nighttime routine) and he was NOT into it at all. It could have been the cat nap thing again as I don't quite know how this could have been so different than what we do each night, but who knows!
Taking the Bottle
We were doing pretty well with this for a while and then for some reason we stopped. I think it was because we had company and I didn't want to mess with it. Plus, Jason was so tired he wanted to go to bed the same time as me (or close) so he couldn't do the bottle. Anyway, we're back to trying the bottle. Last night he took the whole thing, and today while I was working out, Cindy (who watched him) said he fussed with it for a bit, but he ended up drinking the whole thing. We WILL get this down as my mom is coming out in September to watch him overnight (our first overnight without him!) and so he will need to be a pro by then. I know we can do it.
Sleeping Through The Night
Ya, this isn't happening. A few nights ago, I think Anderson slept 4 or 6 hours straight- LOVED IT!- but then since then we're back to being up every 2-3 hours. It's ok though- luckily most of the time he goes right back to sleep and so do I. I often think about how hard it used to be for me to fall asleep at night. I was taking Tylenol PM each night; well, not anymore! I can sleep like a champ! ha
Weight Watchers
I LOVE WEIGHT WATCHERS! Well, it certainly helps that I'm nursing too as it's burning a ton of calories. I have been doing WW for 3 weeks and have lost 6.6lbs so far. I eat a lot still and have had a few "free" nights (Fondue!) and I'm still losing! I'm also working out almost every other day. I've been running at the Rec Center- about 20-25 minutes) or swimming and today Holly & I went to the Middle School and ran stairs, did lunges, and all kinds of great things. We're going to certainly be feeling it tomorrow! I am lucky to be able to leave Anderson with Jason or have also been having a few neighbors watch him for a few hours. It's a nice break and I feel so much better!
He looks so cute sleeping! He just doesn't do it enough!
Is that a burp cloth under his head? LOL...boy can I relate! I feel like burp cloths have become an added accessory for both Kara and myself. I even woke up one morning with one still on my shoulder!! I was too tired to realize I still had it on! hahah
He is really cute when he sleeps! Hope the EASY method continues to improve. Just remember to stick to your schedule and he will get it down eventually. GOOD LUCK!
I couldn't figure out who Andy resembles in this photo...and THEN it hit me! He looks like my dad! I have a picture (in storage) of my dad when he was about 3 months old and another when he was about 6-9 months old...and Andy sure resembles his great-grandpa when he was a baby. Amazing how genes work!
Sounds like you and baby are doing well though! Don't worry, Preston isn't sleeping through the night either yet. He usually goes for 3 hour stretches. If I'm lucky then maybe 4 or 5. One night he did 7 and I thought he died or something LOL. I kept checking on him. Too bad I couldn't just sleep and enjoy it!
Yeah...and Preston doesn't like bottles either. Its like he's got to be soooo desperately hungry enough to take one. What kind of bottles do you use? I have YET to find one that he really likes. I use the Playtex Dropins the most but there's something weird about the nipple. Its like it's too soft and bends back in so he gets frustrated. So we bought this other Playtex Vent one that is supposed to prevent him from drinking in too much air. Well that nipple doesn't even resemble a nipple in any way shape or form so he HATES that bottle.
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