

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dang it! I spoke too soon!

I think I may have jinxed myself- I said we had a routine and I knew it would change, but the next day?? Really? That soon? Last night was...well..ROUGH. We were up every 90 minutes... Honestly, I can't really even remember why (I've seriously lost my mind) but I think Andy just kept waking up. I am TRYING to keep him to eating at least every 2 hours (or longer), but when you're tired, you feed so you can get back to sleep. I think the problem may have been that I kept feeding him quickly and so he wasn't full so he would keep waking up sooner than I'd hoped. Oh well, tonight is another night. And I just keep reminding myself at 2am or 3 that at least I can nap tomorrow if I need to (which I never do).

Andy has really been smiling A LOT more in the last 2-3 days. It's SO darn cute to see. Today I was kissing him and he'd smile, or I'd talk silly to him and he'd get this HUGE grin! I LOVE IT! Every mom says that it's the best thing because it makes all the hard work and lack of sleep worth it and it's very true! He can't still smile on demand, but he's getting there. Jason just loves to see him smile too. He's always walking over talking to Andy saying how much he loves him and telling me how cute and good he is. He's just such a proud and wonderful dad.

Pop and Grammy Cory left today. It was hard to see them go and I know it was hard for them to leave. I really never realized how hard it would be to live so far away from family. It's always been tough but not that bad before babies were involved. The good news is Andy and I will be in California in September so we'll see them, along with all the rest of our family too. I'm really looking forward to that.

Lastly, a funny thing happened this evening. I have been feeling so bad for the dogs as they get very little attention. So, Jason and I took them for a walk and had Andy in his Baby Bjorn. Well, we ran into some neighbors and stopped to talk for a while. Well, while we're standing there, I feel this very warm sensation on my shirt...ya, he PEED on me! I looked down and there was pee on the concrete! We all got a good laugh and then I realized I don't change this babies diaper enough! Poor kid! :)


The High Family said...

Don't worry! He is probably going through a growth spurt so you will only have a few days of this craziness! I am sure he will be sleeping through the night soon. :)

Isn't that first smile amazing? It makes my whole day to see her smile and my son of course...even at almost 3 his smile makes me smile! :)

Yikes! Leaky diapers are NOT fun! Glad it made you laugh at least.

Jenni said...

I swear I think that these babies change routines every week. Preston seems like he is always starting a new phase...we'll get used to it, and then he'll change it up again!