

Sunday, June 7, 2009

No More Nursing...

It's official; I am done nursing. I've been nursing AJ now for over 11 months and for the past few weeks, he's wanted it less and less. He's such a great eater and hasn't really been getting much nutrients from me for a while; it's mainly been a comfort thing and a way to get him to sleep (or back to sleep in the middle of the night).

I have been working really hard at just laying him in his crib when it's time for bed and I'm trying even harder to let him cry it out in the middle of the night. Nap time hasn't been tough at all, as he falls asleep pretty quickly. The hard part has been when he wakes up at 4am and can't fall back asleep. This morning I listened to him cry for an hour and a half and it was EXHAUSTING! I had to be strong though because he just has to get this figured out.

I will say that part of me is happy to be done with nursing, but there's a small part of me that will really miss that bonding time I had with AJ. It was a special time for us when we would just sit together and stare into each others eyes and I would play with his hair and just love him. I'm SO lucky to have had that time with him and thrilled to have giving him such wonderful nutrients for so long.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

he sounds like in the same stage Preston is at, but sometimes he is REALLY upset if he doesn't get BF, and so I don't think Preston is quite ready yet. But I've got him down to morning and night only unless the occassional "emergency comfort" is needed.'s it going? Are you in pain and wearing like 3 bras? LOL

ALso, that is great what you are doing with AJ. I swear we have identical boys LOL. I had similar issues with Preston last night, and the sad thing was neither Will and I had gotten enough to sleep to really deal with it very well.

We were trading off since 4am trying to get him back to sleep and finally at 6am I was like "screw it!" and I left him in his crib to cry it out. THe thing is though Preston is not really a kid that that works with. I let him cry for an hour and all it accomplished was getting his so worked up and practically hyperventilating. no joke.

I was actually going to let him go longer but Will finally got up and rescued him. I was kind of annoyed, I was like "All that teaches him is that we will always come rescue him and I was trying to make him undersand that nobody cared he was crying."

Man I sound like such a mean mom when I say that. I can usually deal with these types of nights a little better but not when I myself have not gotten very much sleep.

I couldn't get him down for a nap this morning either - he would sleep in my arms when I rocked him but as soon as I layed him in his crib he would wake up, arch his back and scream.

I'm kinda mad at him this morning if you couldn't tell. LOL