I can't quite put my finger on it, but there are some changes going on with Anderson. He has looked different to me ever since we got back from California. His eyes look different, his hair is longer and he looks so much more like a boy than a baby. My baby is growing up!! :(
AJ also has been acting strange lately; for the past two days he hasn't wanted to eat much. This is NOT typical (obviously!) He usually will eat a yogurt for breakfast and maybe some fruit, but lately he's only eating less than half of a yogurt. When I give him his favorite foods that I KNOW he'll eat, he pushes it away. Last night I tried EVERYTHING to get him to eat dinner and he pushed it away again. I wanted him to have something in his stomach while he was sleeping so he finally ate a little bread, some goldfish and a few yogurt melts; not the most nutritious meal...
I do know that AJ is teething so maybe this is the reason he's not wanting to eat. He's also sleeping a little better and taking more naps (knock on wood!) The other night he fell asleep in my arms in his clothes, before we even tried to feed him and didn't wake up until 1:30am. Strange....
I am still nursing him and I seem to be doing that a bit more in the past few days which at least gets him some nutrients and he is drinking water and juice; I don't want him getting dehydrated.
Looks like you and AJ had a wonderful time in SoCal. It's good that he's learning at a young age that travel is a part of life and he seems to be handling it well.
Don't worry that his appetite has shifted somewhat. If he's teething, his gums are probably sore and that would explain his not wanting to eat anything that he's have to chew/gum to eat. Fluids are a good thing and nursing him is the best. Babies are pretty reliable about letting us know when they are hungry. And...remember that babies go through these changes every few months. Just when you think you have established a functioning routine, they up and change things on you and let you know that you really AREN'T in charge! I think it's precursor for the teen years when most teens believe that they know everything and their parents know absolutely NOTHING about life! heehee
Thanks for all the pictures you post and send through shutterfly. I love seeing all the cute things AJ is doing and enjoying.
Awwwe poor AJ. :( I thought Preston looked different too when we got back from Whistler. It made me sad that he was growing up! It was like his feet and hands seemed bigger and his face looked more mature. Surely he couldn't have grown that much in 3 days? LOL
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