First, I want to point out that I'm writing this in my blog because I know many people read it and because if I know many people are reading this, I'm more likely to stick to my plan...
On to my point- I'm SERIOUSLY considering training for a mini triathlon! For at least a month now, I have felt like there is something missing in my life- in my body. I have racked my brain wondering if I needed more vitamins, more ME time, more sleep (hah), or something else but I could not figure out what it was. I finally just gave up thinking about it and then BAM it hit me today. I MUST get out there and train for something. Something that I can do for me. Something that makes me feel good inside and out.
It all happened today when I was cleaning out my junk email folder and there was an email in there from and I decided that since AJ was napping I would take a peek to see what was types of races are coming up in Denver. As I sat there for what turned out to be an hour and a half, I realized that the feeling of working hard and accomplishing something is exactly what I am missing. Of course I work hard as a mother and wife, but this is something different.
I have completed 2 mini triathlons in my life and they were REALLY hard; in fact doing that is in the top five things that I am most proud of in my life. Training for them is one thing, but actually completing them is another. The anxiety and stress and nerves are A LOT to deal with, but once I finish it's an awesome feeling!
There are a few big differences now in my life compared to back then... First being that I have a baby. So, I have to figure out how to work out with him and also find someone to watch him while I train in the pool. I have a few things that I can work on. I have a few friends who can watch him, Jason can watch him at night or the weekend, I can wake up at the crack of dawn (not gonna happen!) or I can join a gym that will take him. Sadly, the rec center child care wont take him until he's one.
The other major difference is that I'm at LEAST 10 years older than when I did my last tri. YIKES! This just means working HARDER! There are PLENTY of people out there who also have these obstacles so I know it can be done.
The more I think about it and the more I write and research, the more excited I am about this. There is one coming up in March and another in June so we'll see how in shape I can get in the next month and then I'll decide which to do :)
Wish me luck!
Kate, that would be so awesome! I think you would be good at it! :) I thought about trying to do that, but swimming is not for me. :( I get like all freaked out when I can't breath under the water. I know, it sounds so dorky and so silly, but it's the truth. SO instead I trained for a half marathon and competed in a half marathon last year =) I run every day btw. Anyways, this is about YOU YOU YOU, so congrats on that awesome thought!!!!
Oh and my health teacher, Carrie Brumbaugh is a marathoner. She has done 6 marathons, and some triathlons and a ironman. ( What ever that is) She is currently training for her 7th marathon and she has a 2 year old and a 3 year old. =) And her husband is overseas and she's only 34.
Anyways, back to you. I think that is totally awesome that you are motivated to do that! Keep everyone updated! You'll fee so awesome once you have actually done it! ;) Good luck to you!
-Heather <3
Wow that is impressive Kate! I think I would love to do triathalons (someday) except for the swimming part. And the running part. LOL hahahaha. In other words, maybe I should just do biking.
Actually my hubby has gotten into adventure racing this year which is like a different version of a triathalon. Instead of the bike/swim/run thing, you trail-run, mountain bike, kayak, and other fun stuff.
Anyway I wish you the best of luck! Having a goal like that will be awesome and very motivating. :)
I like your blog, Kate. (Layout)
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