

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Eating and Drinking

AJ had finally decided to broaden his horizons and is starting to enjoy fruits- Once in a while I could get him to eat a few bites of apples before he started spitting them at me. Now, he really enjoys them. Today I tried pears again and he really liked them too! Good thing because I just made a big batch of both!

He still loves peas, carrots and sweet potatoes but now will eat fruit. We're continue to hold off on bananas because they just plug him up too much :(

As for drinking, I'm trying to figure out how to get Anderson to take a sippy cup, but he has NO CLUE how to do it. He ends up chewing on the bottom of the sippy cup or throwing it down on the ground for fun. At his age, AJ really doesn't need to drink any water or juice because I'm still nursing, but I'd like to him to get a few ounces of juice each day to help with his digestion.

I had been getting juice in a straw and then dropping it in his mouth, but decided to try to get him to sip a straw. It's the funniest thing because he can do it- but I don't think he quite knows he's doing it. Then, to top it off, when he actually sips and gets some juice, he typically just opens his mouth and lets it all out and all over himself.

Meal time is a VERY messy time in our house! But it's super fun!


Donna said...


Add applesauce (homemade or store bought) to the mashed bananas and it will counteract the "plug 'em up" effect of the bananas. Worked like a charm for me with all 3 of the kids. Also, if you cook the bananas (I used to slice them in half lengthwise...with the skins still on...and then roast them in the oven on a rack on a baking sheet just until they are nice and mushy), it also seems to make them easier to digest and doesn't affect the "pooping" ability. I used to make a mix of half banana half applesauce and store it in individual serving containers (I had a friend who saved all of her empty baby food jars for me to reuse) in the refrigerator...worked like a champ!

How go things with the cold?


Anonymous said...

I didn't know that you can cook bananas =)(That's what Donna said)