I have always thought of Anderson as a happy baby. He smiles a lot, coos and plays a lot. But....I'm starting to wonder if he's really not as happy as I think???
Whenever he's around people he doesn't know, he usually cries as some point. In his little life, he's seen MANY new faces and he's typically ok for a bit, but then cries. And he's not a huge fan of new people holding him. I guess this is pretty typical.
Also, each week I take him to my friend Cindy's house and she watches him for 2 hours or so while I get some ME TIME (read: workout and hang out with Holly) Well, the past few weeks when I pick him up, I hear him crying before I even walk into her house! Last week she told me he was good and only cried about 15 minutes but today she said he slept for an hour and cried for 45 minutes! I feel so bad for him, but I also feel SO bad for Cindy! Who wants to watch a crying baby for that long???
All this makes me wonder if he really is all that happy of a baby? Or is he just happy with me? If that's the case, how do I get him happier around others because I can't be the only one who makes him happy. It's getting frustrating because we've got some plans coming up where AJ will be with a sitter and I know it's going to be hard for me to enjoy myself when all I'll be thinking about is if he's crying or not.
"It's just a phrase."- get used to this expression...you will be saying it for the rest of your life! LOL
Kara is the same way and her teething is becoming unbearable for us...she is not taking it too well. Tonight we popped out the baby oragel...that seemed to make her feel better. She is cooing right now on her activity mat.
From the pics you show me, he is a HAPPY baby but also a mama's BOY! Just love it now...one day he won't want your attention. :)
I have noticed that in Preston too. I think that you just know what Anderson likes and others don't as much.
For example, Preston loves to sit up. He does NOT like it when people hold him in the "cradle hold". But typically that is how a lot of people hold babies.
Whenever I let people hold, play with, or watch him I usually try to let them know his likes and dislikes because I hope to be able to save them from a fussy baby. It doens't always work though.
I think babies just like their mamma. :)
That's right...it IS just a phase...just one of many to come! He loves his mommy and you did a great job bonding with him...and THAT is a very important thing. Trust me...AJ IS a VERY happy baby...he is growing through the 3 month growth/change spurt...teeth, growing, change in sleep and eating patterns, etc. Just when he settles into his new routine, he'll hit the 6 month change...and you'll go through it all again. Just keep talking to him like you do...if you are calm, he'll pick up on it and won't be as crabby and wild. He is such a love and anyone can look at those pictures and see the happiest of happiness in his beautiful eyes...and KNOW that he is not only well loved and cared for but that he's going to be quite the charmer...he'll give you "that look" (like JT does!) and you'll melt! It doesn't matter how old he gets...he'll always have that power over you! heehee
Tell AJ that Oma said, "She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes...." See if he still thinks that song is funny enough for one of his BIG smiles!
Perfect hat for our little pumpkin - adorable!
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