

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The 3 Brudders...

Here's a picture of the brudders... Harley & Buster are getting used to (or learning to tolerate) their new brudder :) Anderson LOVES Harley & Buster Brown- he is beginning to be entertained by them....



The High Family said...

LOL- I love this picture!

Your three boys are adorable! :)

Donna said...

THIS IS CLASSIC! This HAS to be the one photo you and JT will drag out oshow AJ's girlfriend what AJ was like as a baby! Too cute!
Keep the photos coming!


Jenni said...

Ha ha my what cute (and protective) brudders Anderson has!! Do you find that they are so curious about Anderson?

Our landlords have a big Weimereiner (sp?) and at first I was so nervous for her to be aroumd Preston. But she is just so curious and gentle and really keeps her distance. Its like she knows that Preston is my baby and she respects the pirameter around him.

Ms Mae said...

Love this picture. We have a boxer as well and this morning when I got up she was laying in the babies crib! Sophie's still sleeping in the bassinet so we're not sure why the dog got in the crib....or how she got in there. I'll end up posting a picture later. Arent' boxers fun?

Unknown said...

Buster and Harley love their new little "charge", and are so cute as Anderson's protector. As time goes on you'll have all three of them trained to sit for pictures - the dogs have it down perfectly!!