I'm SO very proud of my son! He's slept so well in his crib for 3 nights in a row! He sleeps in there all night- wakes up to eat 3-4 times and then by 6am or so I bring him into our bed to snuggle for an hour or so. He's doing so well! Jason puts him in his crib between 8-9:30 depending and it sometimes takes a few tries to get him to stay in there and be asleep (I wouldn't know the details tho as I'm asleep like a smart mommy!) and then he wakes up around 12pm, 3am and sometimes around 4:30ish... it really depends. The great thing is that he goes back to sleep in his crib very easily once I feed him. We are all getting MUCH better sleep!
On another note, Anderson had his first trip to the pool! Our community has an outdoor pool that is open during the summer and I finally worked up the courage to take him. We were there for maybe only 90 minutes, 30 of which he was asleep (and I was working on my tan). Once he woke up, I put him in his "Little Swimmers" and his bathing suit and we hit the water. The pool is what they call zero entry meaning there is no step, you just walk right in. So we sat in the VERY shallow part of the pool and put his feet in. At one point I sat him in the water, in between my legs. I don't know if he liked it or thought he was in the bath, but he didn't hate it!
Here's a pic- Man, he's cute!
Awe, good job little Anderson!! Way to go! Keep keeping mommy happy. We all know moms who get sleep are happy moms. :) And love the little picture by the pool. So cute!
Hey Kate - to answer your question, I was afraid he was going to be all cranky for the rest of the day after his shots. He was a little whiny - like he wanted to be held a lot. But he actually slept a lot. The nurse said he would sleep a lot and I didn't believe her. I gave me 0.4 ML of baby tylenol 30 min before his appointment. And then I gave him the same dosage later that evening (so about 6 hours had passed since the last dosage). It seemed to help him not be as feverish and to just relax. Not that I want a drugged baby, but I think it really did help with the pain.
Last night I checked both of his thighs where they stuck the needles in and they were very firm around the area. (I was checking to see if it had softened up again yet) and when I ran my fingers over the spot and gently pressed down, he started to whine. So I knew it was still painful in those areas for him. Both Will and I tried to be extra careful when holding him that we weren't squishing his thighs or irritating that area anymore.
He was a little harder to get to bed last night, but not too bad. Oh, and all afternoon I could tell he just wasn't feeling that great. I fed him twice and both times he just barfed it up again. I felt so bad for him.
So I could tell he wasn't feeling that great - he just wanted mommy and comfort. But at the same time he surprisingly wasn't crying a lot. Just really mellow and sad. :(
Sorry I was typing fast, I meant that i gave HIM .4 ml of tylenol. LOL
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