

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fall Activities 2012

AJ and I have had such a fun Fall! We've done a ton of crafts and other fun things. It's gotten cold and we've had some snow already which has made it really feel like the holidays are coming! Here are some of the things we've been busy doing.
Of course we carved pumpkins

I told AJ that when I was a kid Pop broke out the drill to carve pumpkins. He asked if we could do the same.. "Why not?" He LOVED this!
One day we made caramel apples covered with M&M's. He took them to school and the kids were THRILLED (not sure the teachers felt the same?)

I found a recipe for these DELICIOUS pumpkin spice Hershey Kiss cookies... My gosh, they were dangerously good!

This is Donk. We named him. We love to feed him and the other 10 or so horses near our house.


We went to Jason's neighborhood on Halloween to trick or treat. AJ found some other neighborhood boys and was running from house to house. Was so cute!

We also made a pumpkin cinnamon strudel. This also was SOOO delicious! We both love to cook together- and I love to keep a tiny bit for AJ and give the rest away :)

AJ's school pumpkin! He won "best alien" award :)

He also dressed up as Captain America

Our Astronaut

AJ and I made a Thankful Wreath. A friend shared this idea and I just love it! We made the wreath and then each day we add another thing we're thankful for.

Our church puts on a Barn Dance each year and this is our 2nd year attending. They have many fun things to do there. A pony train, pony rides, hayrides, face painting, and of course dancing.

Pony Train :)

This is Rudolph. We got him at Build A Bear. He's AJ new favorite pet and goes everywhere with us. His nose lights up and and sings THE ENTIRE "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer"

US 2 at the Barn Dance

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