This is the cutest book. It was a great find at the library a few weeks ago and AJ and just love reading it. We've read it every night for about 3 weeks and I'm sad that we're going to have to return it soon :)
Because we've been reading it so much, AJ practically knows the whole thing word for word. It makes me SOO SOO SOOO happy to read it with him because he knows exactly when "his turn" is to read his portion. Here's the story (not exactly, but it's the way we read it):
ME: Froggy wakes up one morning and see's its snowing outside. His mom says, 'go back to bed Froggy and wake up when the snow melts'. But froggy says 'I'm awake!' and he goes out to play
AJ: 'FROGGGGGGGYYYY (says his mom), Did you forget to put something on?' Froggy looks down and sees he forgot his pants!
ME: So, froggy goes in and takes off his shoes, mittens and scarf and puts on his shirt. He flops back outside.
AJ: Flop, flop, flop.... 'FROOGGGGGYYYY (says his mom) Did you forget to put something on?' Froggy looks down and sees he forgot his shirt! 'AND YOUR COAT!' (says his mom)
ME: So, froggy goes in and takes off his mittens, scarf, etc.... and puts on his shirt and coat. He flops back outside
AJ: Flop, flop, flop.... 'FROGGGGGGYYYY (says his mom) Did you forget to put something on?'
ME: Froggy looks down. He has on his mittens, his scarf, his hat, his socks, his pants and shirt.
AJ: (mommy yells) 'YOU FORGOT YOUR UNDERWEAR!' (and we both laugh our heads off)
ME: So, froggy goes back inside and takes off all his clothes once again...
AJ: flop, flop, flop.... and he puts on his long johns with a snap of elastic!
ME: And he puts on one sock, one mitten, and then he drops the rest of it
AJ: and climbs back in bed because he's too tired.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Good night Froggy :)
And with that AJ acts like froggy and throws his head onto the pillow, clothes his eyes and pretends to snore :)
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