

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back To Work

I knew it was coming.... And I'm less than thrilled by it.... But, I went back to work yesterday. Full time. 5 days a week. 8 hours a day. I knew with all the changes going on these past few months that I was going to have to go back soon, and I've been searching for a job for months now. I absolutely hate leaving AJ everyday, all day, but I also know that it's what I have to do.

I got a temporary, full time job working at the Visiting Nurse Association (VNA) in Denver. I'm a Wellness Coordinator. I'm learning that the title sounds a lot better than it really is, but it's a foot in the door to Health Care Administration, which is something I've decided I'd like to do. I want to get out of technology and out of mortgage and since I have my degree in Marketing, I figured why not try to use it?? But in order to really get a good job, I need experience.

As a Wellness Coordinator, I will work on a number of things. Most importantly, I am working on selling flu shots to other companies in the Denver Metro area. For example, XYZ company has 200 employees and maybe they would like to set up a day clinic at their location for their employees to get flu shots. We set that up, send out a nurse (or a few if necessary) to administer these shots and the company pays us a per shot fee. We are about to enter flu season and I hear that I will be very busy in the next few months. I also will help nurses set up the clinics and help with administrative work for the Wellness Director. It's not the greatest job by any means, but like I said, it's a step in the right direction in order to move into a new industry. I will also get some outside sales experience which will be great. I've only done inside sales and I need this experience.

AJ will be well taken care of. He will go to my moms house 2 days a week and to our good friend Jamie's house 3 days a week. Jamie has been watching AJ on and off for over a year now and AJ knows her well and loves to play with all of the other kids she takes care of. I know he's happy, well taken care of, and loved.

It's been a tough 2 days so far leaving him. Today, on our way to Jamie's, he told me "Mama, no work" which pretty much broke my heart.He's cried both days when he got dropped off, but Jamie assures me that he stops crying within 30 seconds. I've cried on and off for the past 2 days because I miss him so much during the day. I don't get nearly the time I had with him before, of course. I remind myself though, that he's happy, and that I've had 2 wonderful years to spend with him and we've done some really awesome things together. Of course we will continue to do fun things, just not as often. I tell myself also that AJ will be proud of me when he's older for doing this and working for our family. He's such an amazing boy and I know he's going to be a wonderful man.

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