

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Where Does He Learn This Stuff???

Tonight, like most nights, we were watching an episode of Barney before AJ went to bed. It had something to do with camping and flashlights and stars and AJ turned to me and said, "That's awesome!" I asked him, "What did you say?" and he repeated clear as day, "That's awesome!" hahah! I was shocked! He's just way too smart!

Another cute story... Earlier in the night, AJ was eating noodles for dinner. I had them in a little bowl on the floor (I know, I know, bad mom...) and I walked away for a minute and when I came back, I saw Buster eating the noodles! I freaked a little (because any of you who know Buster, know that people food and Buster's stomach don't mix well) and yelled at him, telling him, "NO!" and as he ran away I smacked his butt. Now, looking back, I realize this wasn't the best thing to do in front of AJ, but it was my reaction. But that isn't the point. The point is, a little while later, AJ told me, "Buster, Time Out, AJ, Eat" which meant, "Buster is in timeout because he ate my food!" He amazes me...

MANY times each day he amazes me by the things he says, the sentences he puts together and just how hard he tries! Yesterday we went to watch our friends kids' baseball game. AJ knows the word "basketball" but didn't know baseball. So, on the way to the game, I told him that we were going to watch baseball. He kept calling it BASEketball...he tried and tried to pronouce it correctly, and finally he said it.. BASE...BALL... :) :) He was so proud of himself for getting it right and he had so much fun watching the game- I'm signing him up as soon as he's old enough!

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