

Saturday, April 10, 2010

BIG Bummer...

I have been training HARD for a 1/2 marathon. I have been training since January, running up to 11.5 miles. And I knew that I was going to be able to do this race with very little problems. I was very confident!

The BIG bummer is that tomorrow is my race, and I'm not going to be able to do it. Two days ago, I was on the treadmill, just doing an easy 4 mile run, and when I got off I started to feel strange. My lungs got really heavy and I had this pretty bad cough. It was a cough you'd hear from a person who smoked for 30 years- obviously, that isn't me! So, I took it easy the rest of the day and started to feel a little better that night. Then yesterday I woke up feeling bad again. I felt like I had 50lbs sitting on my chest. I was still coughing and totally exhausted.

I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and explained all my symptoms. The doctor was pretty worried because this came on so quickly and with no warning. He gave me some breathing treatments, a chest x-ray, an EKG and a shot (OUCH!) for the inflamation. Everything came back normal! The only thing he could say is that maybe it is a bronchial spasm. I have never even heard of that before. He said that it could be partially caused by stress and gave me some medication.

When I left the doctors office, I was actually feeling better- the shot worked pretty quickly. But today, I woke up and still feel pretty bad. I've been coughing all day and it's now given me a sore throat.

There is no way I can run 13 miles tomorrow. I am so sad! The good news is, I know that I CAN run that far- just not right now with the shape my lungs are in. So, once I feel better, I'm going to hit the pavement and run the 13.1 miles- even if it's not a race.

1 comment:

Lange Family said...

So sorry Kate. I know how hard you have been training, but your health is more important. Feel better soon and kick that 13.1's ass!!! Thinking of you!