

Sunday, January 3, 2010

More Teeth!

Today, I was putting AJ in the car to go somewhere and he was smiling and I happen to notice something in his mouth.... MORE TEETH! I noticed, at first, his right molar had started to poke thru. I had expected his first molars to arrive would be in the back (I have no clue why I thought this, I just did) but these were right up near the front. So, I started poking around his mouth and came to discover ALL FOUR of them were working their way in. Well, no wonder he's had his hands in his mouth for a while now!

I'm sure this will come back to haunt me, but I guess I thought teething would be worse for him- that he'd be up crying all night long and I'd be loading him up on Tylenol. I had no idea they were even coming in! It does make sense though, that all he will eat is noodles.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

This happened to me with Preston a few weeks ago...he was laughing and I peeked inside his mouth and said "Whoa! Holy molars dude!". They just came in without us even noticing. He has 4 molars on bottom and 4 on top now. I actually think he has all of the teeth he is going to get, well except for the canines. I don't think he has those. Or I'm not sure. everytime I try to stick my finger in his mouth to check i get bitten and HARD. It really hurts! :(