I'm starting to feel like I'm keeping AJ's pediatrician in business!
Last night, AJ and I were playing and I noticed that he had some red spots on his tummy. After further investigation, I saw that he had this TERRIBLE red rash over a large part of his body. It was really bad on his arms and legs, and some on his belly and back. I was shocked! Quickly, I started thinking about the day. Had he eaten something that was new to him? No. Had he played in something that he was allergic too? Nope, it was 30 degrees so he wasn't even outside much. What was it??
I put him in the bath to check him out more and was thinking about taking him the Urgent Care, but decided since it didn't seem to bother him, to wait until the morning. I lathered him up with this great lotion and put him to bed.
Of course, at 10pm he was awake and very upset. He was restless in my arms; just couldn't get comfortable. Finally, I gave him Benadryl and that helped put him back to sleep.
I was able to get him into the doctor this morning and found out that....He's ALLERGIC to Penicillin. I didn't know this because this was the first time he's been on it. This was the cause of the rash.
The doctor told me to stop using the medication right away, that other than the rash, he was in great health. Ears and throat were all better and his lungs sounded great. She said this rash could get worse before it gets better, but just to continue with the the lotion.
I really didn't expect that he'd get a reaction 8 days after starting the medication, but she told me that that is really common.
I'm glad to finally have this figured out and now maybe we can take a break from seeing the doctor??
Ah, and thus starts a life of always having to put penacillon down on all of the hospital forms when they ask "Are you allergic to anything" and making sure that whenever you get antibiotics that they are of the un-penacillon type. :)
I am allergic to penacillon too. It's super fun! LOL
p.s. the weird thing is I didn't discover I was allergic until I was 22 years old!
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