I am really enjoying AJ these days. He's at such a fun age where he's learning a ton and able to really understand what I'm saying. He also is getting really good at imitating.
Today he learned what a train says. I will say "chug a chug a" and he'll sing "choo choo". Well, it doesn't really sound like that, it's more of a high pitched "hee hee" but he gets it. He also loves to listen to music. He dances and tries to sing himself.
Here's a list of some other things he can do:
He says, "Cat, Truck, and Tractor along with all the other things he's been saying.
He can point out MANY things in books. He knows the bike, truck, tractor, cat, dog, horse, bunny, flower, balloon, and ball. I'm sure there's more, but I can't remember.
The only problem with this age is....he is starting to throw little TANTRUMS! Oh yes, if he doesn't get his way, he is MAD! For example, every morning I feed Buster. And Buster eats outside. Well, it's about 35 degrees here in the mornings now and AJ wants to go outside and play! I don't think so! So, he gets very mad at me when I grab his arm and drag him inside. He gets over it pretty quickly though.
He's also testing us- BIG TIME! Last night at dinner, we were at the table and he was in his highchair and he was just being a pill! He didn't want to eat, so he threw everything on the floor- something that just URKS me big time. He has this attitude and look on his face that just screams trouble. Sometimes I want to laugh at him because it's so cute, but I know that if I laugh, he'll think it's ok and keep it up. Most of the time, I don't think it's all that cute.
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