

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pool Time!

I got AJ a plastic pool the other day, and today we played in it. He REALLY enjoyed it; he loved splashing around, watching Buster drink the water, pulling the grass and then putting it in the pool and just hanging out. I am sure we'll be spending a lot of time in there this summer :)

Here's a little darn cute!


Jenni said...

What a great idea! being that it has been, oh, about 25 years since I have been in one of those little pools, I have completely forgotten about them!

AJ seems to really enjoy the water! :)

Jenni said...

P.S.I like your new photo on the sidebar of you and AJ.

The High Family said...

Those pics/video are GREAT! AJ is such a busy little guy...always moving, huh?!

What's the weather been like in CO? We are finally warming up here...might have to turn the a/c on soon!!!