

Monday, May 4, 2009

Feel Better!

Poor AJ just does not feel good. I REALLY hope he's teething, because I don't know what else it could be. First, a few days ago, I thought the problem was that he was constipated (TO MUCH INFO sorry) but that is not the case now. As I mentioned yesterday, he's still not eating much- however I gave him a bunch of Honey Nut Cheerios and he loved them- and he just cries for no apparent reason....many times during the day.

I feel bad saying this, but the whining is driving me insane and knowing that he's USUALLY such a happy boy makes this so hard! He's not sleeping well, will not entertain himself for very long like he typically does and ONLY wants me. In a way it's very sweet because he hugs me so tight, but along with those hugs comes uncontrollable crying and obvious pain. I feel soooo bad for him. I wish he could talk so he could tell me what is wrong and I'd know how to help.

Let's hope tomorrow is a better day!


Jenni said...

:*( Awwwwwe poor AJ.

Kate...our boys are twins. LOL

Let's move next to each other and be neighbors so that our boys can play together and we can be best friends and relate to everything our kids do identically. LOL jk.

I know AJ already has some teeth, but Preston was acting the exact same way and then all of a sudden his top two teeth poked through. So maybe he is teething again?

It is hard to have a clingy whiney baby, I can attest to that. you really do have to just stop everything you're doing and give them attention. I don't know why I complain because they are so cute, but it always seems to happen on days when I need to get a zillion things done. I guess it's a good reminder of what is more important.

Well....good luck, I hope he gets back tohis normal happy self soon. :)

Unknown said...

Awww, I hope AJ is doing much better now!
