

Friday, May 8, 2009


It seems that AJ is FINALLY feeling better. I am pretty sure all this sickness was related to teething; at least that's what most of my mom friends are saying. He was crying uncontrollably, not sleeping well, VERY needy, had a runny nose, wasn't eating and then to top it off had diarrhea for 3 days. POOR KID!!! He was just miserable! (so was I)

Finally, he's eating a little better, and not nearly as cranky. I haven't actually seen a new tooth but that doesn't mean much. He rarely lets me dig around in his mouth.


Unknown said...

That is great that Aj is better! Sorry..havent' ahd time to look at the blogs. I gotta get back to my bad me. ok talk to ya lataaaaaaa

Unknown said...

oh imheather btw... lol....e