

Friday, September 19, 2008

Anderson's Likes & Dislikes

I thought it would be good since Anderson is THREE MONTHS OLD (WOW!) that I should write all the things AJ likes and dislikes. By now, I've got a pretty good handle on these things :)


The mornings- Anderson is ALWAYS a happy baby in the morning; smiling, talking, laughing
Being outside- He loves to look at flowers, the sun and have the wind blow at his face. It's one way that I calm him down when he's fussy
EATING- this is a big one. AJ is always eating! Hence, he's a BIG boy!
His jumper- he loves to jump around (especially in the morning) and talk in that thing
Being in a diaper only- he loves to be naked; it's so cute! He giggles and talks the whole time
Baby Bjorn- what a wonderful invention
Animals- Now that he's able to focus on things, he really likes watching dogs and cats


Um..sleeping??- Ya, he's not a fan of sleeping (Poor Mommy)
Car Seat- he HATES the car seat. I don't know why, but he will cry for 45 minutes in there- like he's being tortured or something.

I really can't think of much else he really dislikes. He truly is a happy baby! I'm sooo lucky!


Heather Smith said...

Hey Kate- You seem like you have a very happy baby in your hands! You are lucky. My mom is a nurse who works with premies and all of her babys are just crazy! Anderson is a very cute boy. :)

The High Family said...

Kate- you should definitely try the sound machine out and see if he sleeps with that. I am sure with being in a different place all week along with tons of overstimulation (gotta love that word, huh?!), he was not himself and wouldn't sleep.

I hope you are able to get him back on schedule this weekend! :)

PS- man am I jealous that you keep losing...even when you eat junk!!

Jenni said...

Ugh, I'm so sorry to hear that he still isn't sleeping well. :( Poor mommy is right.

Preston hates the carseat too. ITs like he thinks he is being tortured and we are cruel cruel parents! LOL I think he just hates the straps and being confined.